



(  )1.Pandas are ______ favorite animals.

A. me    B. my    C. I  D. mine

(  )2._____do you want to see them?  _____ they’re interesting.

A. Why , so   B. Why, Because  C. Because,  So  D. So, Why

(  )3.She sleeps _______.

A. all the day  B. all day   C. all the days   D. a day

(  )4.That’s a good name _____ her.

A. to    B. in   C. for   D. at

(  )5.I like pandas _______.

A. a    B. a lot   C. also   D. either

(  )6.People also kill elephants _____ their ivory.

A.for    B.to  C. in   D. at

(  )7.This is a symbol _____ good luck.

A.for   B. in  C. of  D. at

(  )8.They can also remember places ____ food and water.

A. in   B. for   C. at   D. with

(  )9.Today there _____ only about 3,000 elephants.

A. is    B. has   C. are   D. have

(  )10.Walking after dinner can help us _____ heathy

A. keep  B. keeps  C. to keep  D.keeping

(  )11.What __________ subjects does Tom like?

A.other      B.others  C.the other   D.the others

(  )12.__________ these tigers __________ from?

A.Where,are        B.What,are

C.Where,come      D.Where are,/

(  )13.I like koalas because they are __________ friendly.

A.a kind of  B.kind of  C.kinds of   D.a kind

(  )14.Why do you want to __________ the dolphins first?

A.look      B.have a look C.see    D.look at

(  )15.She likes to play __________ her friend.

A.for     B.to      C./    D.with

(  )16.Why __________ come and join us?

A.do      B.not      C.does    D.doesn’t

(  )17.—__________ a koala __________ during the day?

—Yes,it does.

A.Does,sleep        B.Is,sleeping

C.Do,sleep      D.Is,sleep

(  )18.Linda with her parents often __________ to the zoo to see the animals.

A.go     B.gos    C.goes    D.going

(  )19.—Do you know about David?

—Yes,I know __________ very well.

A.he      B.himself   C.him    D.his

(  )20.A koala usually gets up and eats __________ at night.

A.leaf    B.leaves    C.leafs   D.leavs

(  )21.People often eat __________ the day and sleep __________ night.

A.in,in     B.at,in  C.at,at   D.during,at

(  )22.We know dogs are very __________ animals.Many people like them.

A.friend     B.friends     C.friendly   D.ugly

(  )23.My brother likes tigers,__________ my sister doesn’t.

A.and    B.but      C.for    D.so

(  )24.That’s __________ interesting elephant.

A.a      B.an      C.the    D./

(  )25.We are in the library.Please __________ quiet.

A.is     B.be      C.do    D.are


There is a zoo near my house.I like to go there.In the zoo we can see many a   1  .

Look! There’s a k   2   in the tree.He’s eating leaves.Isn’t he cute? Under the tree,there’s a g  3  .Her neck(脖子)is so long(长).She’s a c  4   girl.Where’s the p  5  ? She’s there eating the bamboo(竹子).She’s k  6   of shy.But the e  7   is interesting.He’s playing with kids with his long nose(鼻子).They’re v  8   fun.Look! In the pool(池子),there are two d  9  .They’re f  10   to people.They are playing with their balls.How happy they are!

1.__________  2.__________  3.__________  4.__________  5.__________

6.__________  7.__________  8.__________  9.__________  10.__________



zebra  panda  kangaroo  penguin  giraffe

It lives in Australia.It has very strong legs(腿).It is grey(灰色).It can jump high(跳高).It is very good at looking after her baby.A mother has a pouch in front.There,the babies are warm(暖和)and safe(安全).It is a __________.

It is from Africa.It can run fifty kilometers(公里)an hour.It has a very long neck(脖子)and long legs.It can reach(够着)the leaves on a very tall tree.It is a __________.

It lives on the Antarctic.It is always very cold(冷)there.It is black and white.It can walk on the ice and swim in the sea(海).It’s a big bird,but it can’t fly(飞).It eats fish.It has very short legs.It looks very lovely.Children like it a lot.It is a __________.

It is also from Africa.It is black and white,too.It has a long tail(尾巴).It can run very fast.We can see it in zoos and pictures.It is a __________.

It is very lovely.It is not from Africa.It is from China,and it is also white and black.It likes bamboos.There are not many of them in China now.Everyone loves it very much.It is a __________.


(    )2.The black and white animal from Africa has __________.

A.a long tail      B.a long neck

C.a grey body      D.a pouch in front

(    )3.__________ is good at(擅长)swimming in the sea.

A.A zebra     B.A panda  C.A penguin  D.A giraffe

(    )4.There are __________ animals from other countries but China.

A.5      B.4      C.3      D.1

(    )5.In this reading,the word“pouch”means (意思是) __________.

A.口袋    B.育儿袋    C.爪子    D.婴儿








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