


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了七年级下册英语暑期作业,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。

1.It is cloudy in Shanghai now.(对画线部分提问)

①_____the weather in Shanghai now?

②______the weather______in Shanghai now?

2.There is much rain this year.=It_____very_____this year.

3.Tom studies math  every evening.(变为现在进行时)

Tom______  ______math now.

4.The sun is  bright today.=It____a____day today.

5.It often snows here in winter.=

There's_____  _____here in winter.

6.It is cold in Changsha now.(对画线部分提问

_____ the weather_____in Shangsha now?

7.My parents are cooking.(对画线部分提问)

_____  ______  ______parents_______?

8.She went to the mountains on vacation.(对画线部分提问)_____  ______she _____on vacation?

9.Allan is tall with brown hair.(对画线部分提问)

_____  ______Allan_____  _____?

10.You help me.Thank you very much.=

Thank you______  _____me.

11.It often snows here .=It____  ______here.

12.Tom wears a shirt because it's hot here.(对画线部分提问)_____  ______Tom wear a shirt?

13.The weather is fine today.=It____  _____today.

14.How's the weather in Moscow?=

______the weather_____in Moscow?

15.Lucy is studying Chinese.(变为一般现在时)

Lucy_____Chinese every day.

16.Lin Fen lost her key and I helped her.=

I _____LinFen_____  ______for her lost key.

17.It is Snowy in Beijing now.(对画线部分提问)

_____the weather in Beijing now?

18.Tom likes pop music because they make him exciting.

_____  ______Tom_____pop music?

19.Mike wants a pen..______  ______Mike______?

20.Maria is an actress._____ is ______   ______?

21.The policeman's  job is a little dangerous.

The policeman's  job is _____  _____ dangerous.

22.My sister is reading  books  now.=

My sister_______  ______  _____now.

23.It time to have lunch.=It's time_____  ______.

24.My father is watching TV.

_____  ______your father_______?

25.Mary is watching TV.______  ______Mary______?

26.It's sunny in Beijing.______the_____in Beijing?

27.They are playing basketball.(一般疑问句)

_______  ______playing basketball?

28.It's  raining.(否定)It_____  _______raining.

29.What's the weather like in Chongqing?=

_____the weather in Chongqing?

30.It's sunny today.=It's a _____  _____today.

31.They look cool.(一般疑问句)______they _____cool?

32.The teacher is helping Tom now.(对画线部分提问)

____  ______the teacher______now?

33.He does his homework every day.(变为现在进行时)

He_____  _____his homework now.

34.What's the weather like today?=

______is the ______today?

35.He is listening to music.______is he______?

36.Everyone is enjoying themselves.=

Everyone is _____a good _______.

37.How cold it is today!=

______  _____  _____  _____it is today!

38.He's playing computer games.(对画线部分提问)

______  ______he_______?

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级下册英语暑期作业,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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