


最让我快乐的是什么?是假期,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级下册英语暑期复习,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!

(    ) 1.He likes to play_______ football, and he can also play________ violin very well.    A. a, the     B. /, a       C. the , a      D. /,  the

(    ) 2.-What’s your father’s favorite _______? –It’s blue.

A. food    B.  color     C.  sport     D. fruit

(    )3.It’s ______ , the time for us to go back home.

A. thirty and four    B. four-thirty    C. four thirty    D four and thirty

(    )4.-_______ are these apples and vegetables?  -twenty-three yuan and fifty fen.

A. How much   B. How many      C. Where   D. What

(    )5.If you need help, you can call me_______507-8972.

A. at        B. on    C. for .   D. in

(    )6. – Do you have an eraser?

–Sorry ,I don’t have______erasers, but I think peter has______.

A. any ,  it    B. any , one    C. some,   it    D. any,  one

(    )7.I like Chinese ______ Math , ______ my favorite subject is science.

A. or, and    B. or,  so   C. and , so    D. and, but

(    )8.-_____ do you like Wednesday best?  -Because I have P.E. on that day.

A. How    B. What     C. When    D. Why

(    )9.-_______ Bob’s brother play the guitar?  - No, he can’t, I think.

A. Can    B.  Is    C. Does   D. Do

(    )10. Welcome to my store. We have sweaters_____ all color _____ 188 RMB each.   A. in  at     B.  for  of     C.  at   in     D. in  for

(    )11._______ of the students in our class has an English-Chinese dictionaty>

A. All      B. Some     C.  One.    D. Two

(    )12.- _____ is your biology teacher?   - The woman in red.

A.  Who    B.   Where    C.   How    D.  What

(    )13.I can’t sing ______ dance,  ______ I can play the piano.

A. and  but    B.  and   and    C.  or  but    D. or  and

(    )14 My sister is only four. Her birthday is on_________.

A.  May, 2003    B. April12th   C. March of 10    D.  June and 9th

(    )15.-_______do you have art ?   We have it on Tuesday and Friday.

A. What    B. Where  C. When   D. Why

(    )16. The black hat is _____ sale.  You can buy one ______ only 5 dollars.

A. in  at    B. on  for     C. for  with    D. at  on

(    )17. Maria _____________ thrillers. She thinks they are ___________.

A. likes , boring B. doesn’t like , funny C. likes , sweet  D. doesn’t like , scary

(    ) 18.-What __ do you have at your school? - We have an art festival each year.   A.  events    B.  subject     C.  games   D.  sports

(    )19.We must go shopping today ________ we have no food in the house.

A. when    B.    because    C.  so    D.   but

(    )20. We can ____ many interesting things ____history from documentaries.

A. bring, to        B. learn, about      C. buy, for          D. have, in

(    )21. ---What is your favorite_________? --- Basketball.

A. sport          B. food.       C. movie          D. music

(    )22________ ,what’s that in English?   - It’s a pencil-case.

A.  OK   B. Sorry    C. Hello    D. Excuse me

(    )23. -- ________________. Yes, please . I want a T-shirt for my daughter.

A. What do you like?   B. Do you like a T-shirt?

C.  Can I help you?    D. Can you help me?

(    )24.--Well, let’s go to play tennis.

--That sounds_______ , but I don’t have a racket.

A. boring   B.  well    C. interesting    D.  difficult

(    )25--What’s this in English?  -- It’s ____________ eraser.

A. a        B. an       C. the          D. /

(    )26.—The picture in your room is very good.  --__________.

A. Yes, it is.  B. Thank you   C. No, it’s not.  D. That’s right.

(    )27. My father usually watches TV _______ Sundays.

A.  at     B.  in     C. at   D.  on

(    )28.Susan can play the ______ well.

A. chess   B. violin   C.  basketball   D. tennis

(    )29. We want two good singers______ our rock band.

A. for     B.  in    C.  with     D. to

(    )30.Helen is Kate’s sister, Kate is Jean’s mother.  Helen is Jean’s ______

A. daughter   B. aunt   C. uncle   D. grandma

(    )31. There are sixty minutes in ____ hour

A. a    B.  an    C. /

(    )32. -When is Robert’s birthday?  -__________ birthday is June 3rd.

A.  He   B. Her      C. They      D. His

(    )33.-Who is favorite_______?   -Because he can teach us Chinese well.

A. subject   B. actor   C.  singer   D. teacher

(    )34. ______ she like apples?

A. Does    B. Do    C. Are    D. is

(    )35.—Where’s the map of China.  –It’s _____ the wall ____ our classroom.

A.  in  on    B. on  in   C.  at  of   D.  under  near

(    )36. Maria really likes action movies, and she ________ likes Beijing Opera.

A. too        B. all        C. also       D. not

(    )37.Jim Green_______ a big family.

A. is    B. have     C. has     D. there is

(    )38.- Is your math teacher a man or a woman?  - ________.

A. No. he isn’t.  B. Yes, she is a man.  C. A woman   D.  This is a man

(    )39.There isn’t ______ money in the purse.

A.  a     B.  some     C.  any    D. an

(    )40.- His name is Bob Jackson. What’s his family name?  -________.

A. Bob Jacket   B. Bob   C. Jackson  D. He has no family name.


威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级下册英语暑期复习,.还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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