


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的英语暑期作业七年级下册。

一  用所给词的适当形式填空

1. It’s time __________ (have) breakfast.

2. Do you know how __________ (write) e-mails?

3. We shouldn’t __________ (play) too many computer games.

4. Sandy __________ (fly) kites at the weekend but Amy __________ (stay) at home.

5. Is Kate good at __________ (dance)? Yes, she is.

6. The boy ____________ (not come) from Shanghai.

7. The girl __________ (not know) how much fruit __________ (buy).

8. Which do you like __________ (good), apples, oranges, or pears?

9. When do you begin __________ (sing) for the foreign guests?

10.Cindy is ____________ (good) at skiing than May.

11.How ____________ (many) time do you spend ____________ (play) the violin every day?

12.—What are they doing?    — They are busy ____________ ( prepare) for the party.

13. He writes to his sister __________ (two) a month.

14. Look, who __________ (run) on the playground?

15. My mother wants __________ (do) some __________ (shop) at the weekend..

16. Mike, my best friend, ____________ (write) to me every month.

17. He has no time ____________ (talk) to you now.

18. Would you like ____________ (give) me some pocket money, Mum?

19. My mother’s hobby is ____________ (cook) meals.

20. There are ____________ (many) than 30 students in his class.

二、 单项选择

(    )1. He enjoys ______with his friends and ______ ice creams with them.

A. chating, eating    B. chatting, eatting     C. chatting, eating   D. chating, eatting

(    ) 2. He likes ______ the violin in the early morning.

A. practice playing     B. practices play    C. practicing playing   D. practice play

(    ) 3. The girl usually______ a lot of time______.

A. spend, dancing    B. spends, on dancing

C. spends, to dance   D. spends, in dancing

(    ) 4. Please send e- mails ______ me soon.  A. for   B. with  C. to  D. at

(    ) 5. ______ the pieces of news interesting?  A. Is  B. Are C. Does  D. Do

(    ) 6. Lily is busy ______ ready______ her coming exam.

A. getting, for      B . to get, for    C. get, to    D. gets, to

(    )7. She always has a lot of beautiful clothes ______.

A. wearing        B. wears         C. wear         D. to wear

(    )8.Each child ______ a chance to see the superstar.

A.  has       B. have       C. to have       D. having

(    )9.Thank you for ____ the bag for me.

A.  carrying  B. t o carry  C. carries  D. carry

(    )10. The pri ce ______ all these bo oks ______ 67 yuan.

A. for, are      B. of, are      C. for, is     D. of, is

(    )11. ______ the museum______ from 8 a .m. to 5 p.m.?

A. Be, opened      B. Be, open       C. Is, open      D. Is, opened

四 句型转换

1. You can borrow my book.(改为一般疑问句)

___________  __________ borrow ___________ book ?

2. You must look after your things. (改为祈使句)

__________  __________  ____________your things.

3. He likes Chinese food ve ry much.(对划线部分提问)

__________  ___________   he  _________Chinese food  ?

4. I don’t have many friends , __________  ____________ ?  (反意疑问句)

5. I have something interesting to tell you .(改为否定句) I have _________ interesting to tell you

6. My mother does housework every day(改为一般疑问句)

________________________________ housework every day ?

7. There is much orange in the bottle.

_________  ________ orange _______  _________ in the bottle ?

8. The girl with a red hat is my sister .   ________  _________  ________ your sister ?

9. Her parents will take her to the zoo this wee kend.

________ _______her parents   _______ this weekend ?

10. How much is the pen?    What’s _________ ________ _________ the pen?

11. What do you think of the film?         ____________ do you ____________ the film?

12. The shop is usually not open at the weekend.

The shop is usually ____________ at the weekend.


五  汉译英

1. 她是位出色的游泳选手,她是校游泳俱乐部的成员之一。

She is a good _________ and she is ______  _______  ________ the School __________ Club.

2. 我们下星期天将举于一次旅游。

We will________  _______ __  _____________ next Sunday.

3. 这家博物馆星期一不对外开放。   The museum ____ ______  ___________on Monday.

4. 谢谢你的帮助。(2种)

Thank you for _________  ________ . /  Thank you for _________  ________.

5. 每个学生都期待着那一天。

Each student is __________  _____________  _________ that day.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的英语暑期作业七年级下册,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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