


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了七年级第二学期英语暑假作业,希望能够对同学们有所帮助


16. It is       birthday of the boy.

A. nine    B. the nine   C. the ninth  D. ninth

22. —Would you like       TV?

—Yes, I’d like to, but I have lots of homework to do.

A. watching   B. to watch  C. seeing   D. to see

23. —Who is the boy       Simon?

—T ony, my new classmate.

A. over    B. next to   C. next   D. in front

24. I’ll ask him       you back.

A. call    B. calls   C. to call   D. calling

25.Now,everybody,please turn to Page(页)        and look at the       picture.

A. Fifth; five  B. Five; fifth  C. Fifth; fifth  D. Five; five

26. There are       students in our school.

A. one thousand, nine hundred and forty-five

B. one thousand, nine hundred and fourty-five

C. one thousand and nine hundred, forty-five

D. one thousand and nine hundred and fourty-five

27. Eleven and one is       .

A. twelfth   B. twelve   C. thirteen  D. second

28.Football is so exciting(令人兴奋的)that       people in the world play it.

A. million of  B. millions of  C. two millions of  D. two millions

29. Your home is really different       mine.

A. to    B. from   C. with   D. of

30. Gina’s birthday is       the first of June.

A. in    B. on   C. at    D. for


Do you live in a big house? How many   31    does you r house have? If you live in a big place with enough room (空间),you’re the   32   one. In China, many people don’t have big houses to live in.

I have a penfriend in Anhui Province. His family live in a small house   33    only two rooms. The house is far away from his school. But he   34    to school every day because he has no bike. At home, he doesn’t have his own    35   .The four members of his family sleep in the same room. They have no kitchen or dining room. He even(甚至)can’t   36    a place to do his homework. And he   37    work for his family after school. His sister, a 15-year-old girl, has to   38  school because their family doesn’t  have enough money for two  39   schooling.

My penfriend is one of the millions of poor children in China. Those children need our help.        40   can we help them? We can donate(捐赠)some money to Project Hope. They will help the poor children in many ways. It’s always nice to help others, right?

31. A. houses   B. rooms   C. tables   D. desks

32. A. lucky   B. good   C. sad   D. sorry

33. A. by    B. with   C. in     D. for

34. A. rides   B. drives   C. walks   D. goes

35. A. dining room  B. balcony  C. bathroom  D. bedroom

36.  A. make   B. build   C. find   D. need

37. A. must   B. can   C. could   D. may

38. A. stay at   B. leave   C. teach in  D. go to

39. A. children’s  B. teachers’  C. parents  D. girls’

40. A. What   B. Why   C. When   D. How

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


My name is Claire. I live in a small house in a town called Kingston.

I love to visit Highgrove Road. This road has a lot of big houses, and some even look like palaces. Highgrove Road is next to a beach. I love to sit on the beach and dream what these houses look like inside.

My favourite house is a pink house at the end of the road. In my dreams this house has at least four sitting rooms and two dining rooms, all on the ground floor. One dining room is for the family and the other one is for friends. It has a really big kitchen next to the dining rooms. The house has three bedrooms on the first floor and five bedrooms on the second floor.  Each bedroom has a bathroom with a toilet, a sink, a bath and a shower. The house is very tidy and quiet. In front of the house, there is a big garden with a swimming pool. It is the biggest swimming pool in the whole town. A friendly family lives in this h ouse and they often invite friends over to use their swimming pool.

My dream is to live in a house just like this. My mother thinks I should stop dreaming and start studying for my e xams!

41. Highgrove Road is next to       .

A. a beach   B. Claire’s school  C. a palace  D. a big house

42. What is the colour of Claire’s favourite house?

A. Red.   B. Purple.   C. Pink.   D. Blue.

43.How many bedrooms  does Claire imagine(想象)there are in this house?

A. Eight.   B. Ten.    C. Five.   D. Three.

44. Claire’s dream is to       .

A. pass her exams

B. buy this house

C. use the swimming pool

D. live in a similar (相似的) house

45.What may (可能)Claire’s real house look like?

A. It is new.   B. It is very small.  C. It is very big. D. It is clean.


This is Lily’s bedroom. It is not very big, but the window is very large, and the bedroom is bright(明亮的).I can see some pictures on the wall. Lily’s bed is small. A beautiful  desk is near the window. A lamp is on the desk. She does her homework at the desk. The desk i s small. Lily  puts all her books, and some clothes in it. There are some flowers on Lily’s desk. They are in different colours. They are very nice. I want to have a bedroom like hers.


46. Lily does her homework at her desk.()

47. Near the window, there is a small beautiful desk.()

48. The desk is big. Lily puts all her clothes in it.()

49. Lily’s bedroom is small but bright.()

50. There’re some flowers on Lily’s desk.()


51. I’d like       (live) in a house with nine rooms.

52. Simon with his parents lives on the       (nine) floor.

53. There are twelve        (shower) in this bathroom.

54. Is your classroom in the tall       (build) over there?

55. Our new flat has two       (balcony).

56. The stories are        (real) interesting. I like them very much.

57. I’ll ask her        (clean) the classroom after school.

58. Thank you for       (bring) me the book.

59. David is always the first       (come) to school in his class.

60. June is the       (six) month of the year.



That desk is       the bed.


Your house is       the flats in Shanghai.


His       is very small, but        very beautiful.


Look! The box       books.


A balcony is the best place       plants.


根据所给内容提示,以My home为题,写一篇80~100词的短文。


1.120-square-metre flat on the fourth floor

2. three bedrooms(for my parents, grandparents and me)

3. a study, a computer

4. a bathroom and a shower, a large balcony, a kitchen

My  home

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级第二学期英语暑假作业,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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