


最让我快乐的是什么?是假期,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级英语下册暑假作业,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


(   )1. What can the monitor do ______ us?

A. for  B. to    C. with

(   )2. A friend of _______ comes here.

A. our  B. ours   C. we

(   )3. They are talking to a woman _______ the lost and found office.

A. at       B. in     C. on

(   )4. She _______ her mobile phone on the bus yesterday.

A. forgot    B. left        C. lost

(   )5. ---What can I do for you?

--- I’d like ____________.

A. two bottle of orange

B. two bottles of orange

C. two bottles of oranges

(   )6. There _____ a spring outing this Friday.

A. is going to have     B. is going to be      C. are going to be

(   )7.—Where would you like to go on holiday, Coco?

---It’s cold here. I’d like to go ______.

A. somewhere warm     B. anywhere warm    C. warm somewhere

(   )8______ book and you will know more about our history.

A. Reading      B. To read       C.Read

(   )9 ---Mum my Teddy bear ______.

---Don’t be ______.Let’s go to the shop and buy a new one.

A. is lost, worried    B. lost, worry    C. is lost, worry

(    )10. Go __________ the street, you will see a shop.

A. across         B. on        C. cross

(    )11. It’s down the street _________ the left.

A. on             B. in        C. to

(   )12. Remember to turn ________ the lights when you leave the room.

A. on             B. off       C. up

(    )13. The baby is sleeping. Can you turn _________ the TV?

A. down           B. on        C. up

(    ) 14 --When ___ your brother born?--- ___May, 1st

A. was, On        B. was, In       C. were, On (    )15. He is very ___ , so all the teachers like him.

A. strict       B. good      C. difficult

(    )16 .There are many important things _______

A. to do   B. do    C. doing

(    )17 .I’m looking forward to ________ my old friends.

A. see     B. sees   C. seeing

(    )18 .There is a wallet ________a lot of money in it.

A. with    B. has     C .have

(    )19. --Did you visit a friend yesterday?      --Yes, ________.

A. I did        B. I do        C. I was

(    )20 .—When ______ you ______ to China?

--In February, 1999.

A. do, come       B. do, came      C. did, come

(    )21. We still see Shakespeare’s plays ______ English and

_______    many other languages.

A. in, in       B. in, with      C. with, with

(    )22. She took my pen without _______ me.

A.  ask       B. asked      C. asking

(    )23. The baby _______ soon after drinking milk.

A . was asleep    B. was sleeping    C. slept

(    )24. Tom didn’t _______ to school last night.

A. return     B. returns     C. returned

(    )25. There are some books there .Please _______________.

A. try on them    B. pick up them   C. pick them up

(    )26. The story began __________ once upon a time.

A. at      B. with    C. in


1. 这些孩子坐在客厅中间看电视。

The little children sat ___________ the living room, watching TV.

2. 沿着这条街走可以到公园。

________________________ the street to the park.

3. 转左进入前进路,市场就在右边了。

_______________ into Qianjin Road, the market ________________.

4. 请问,去车站怎么走?

________________, can you tell me the way to the station?

5. 超市在饭馆的对面。

The supermarket ____________________ the restaurant

6. 这台相机多少钱?

____________________________________________ the camera?

7. 今天有特价。

__________________________________________________ today.

8. 晚上那个窗户总是开着的.

The window ___________________________________________ at night.

9. 蔬菜的价格随着天气的变化而变化。

___________________________vegetables is changing with the weather

10. 对小孩来说一个人外出是危险的。

_____________________________alone for children is very dangerous.

11. 每个周末我花两个小时听英语。

_______________________ to listen to English every weekend.


The boy _____________________________ before he entered the room.


They ________________________________because they were strangers.


There are some pens on the floor. Please ___________________________.


Lucy ______________________________ the garden and found her cat.

16.你想和我一起去散步吗?Would you like to __________________with me?


When you _____________ the road, please ___________________ the bus.


Don’t waste your time. You _____________ young ________________.

19. 坐船是游览威尼斯最好的方式。

_____________________ travel around Venice is _________________.


_____________________ in the city center ___________ at the moment.

21. 你何时何地出生?我2005年2月1日出生于一个小村庄。

When and Where ________ you ________?

I                 in a small village ____________________________   22.谁是你的第一位老师?

Who was your         _________________      ?


He was very strict , but he was quite friendly to us.

24.  他们期待着不久见到你。

They are _________________________________ you soon.

25.  你的房子怎么样?

_______________your house ___________________?


There is house ___________________________________

27 在20岁时,他开始在北京工作。

________________ 20, he started working in Beijing.

28 独自一人在黑暗中行走。

She walked _______________________ in the dark

29 昨晚去散步了吗?

_____________ you _________________________ last night?

30 这个小女孩刚才匆忙从房间冲出去。

The little girl _______________________ the house just now.

31 不久她迷路了。她没向四周看。

Soon she was lost. She ___________________________her

32 他们从现在开始决定努力学习。

They _____________________ study hard from now on.

三、 辨音

(    )1. [ t ]   A. cleaned      B. liked           C. played

(    )2. [ d ]   A. washed      B. returned            C. visited

(    )3. [id]   A. visited       B. watched           C. cleaned

(    )4. [θ]    A. through      B. weather           C. with

(    )5. [u]    A. push         B. ruler             C. bathroom

(    )6  A.shout       B. around     C. would       D. without

(    )7   A. finished     B. pushed    C. stopped     D. decided

(    )8  A. score        B. store     C. bored       D. work

(    )9 A. breakfast      B. sea       C. east        D cheap

(    )10 A. many        B. any      C. anyone      D.bank

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的七年级英语下册暑假作业,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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