




49. Tom does his homework after dinner .(变一般疑问句)

Tom        his homework after dinner ?

50. He can play the drums and the piano .(改为否定句)

He         play the drums         the piano .

51. I get home from school at five o’clock on school days .(对划线部分提问)

you get home from school on school days ?

52. His father goes to work by bike every day .(改为同义句)

His father        a bike       work every day .

Ⅵ. 口语运用。(每小题1分,共5分)


A:Hello ,Sally .

B:Hi ,Peter . How do you go to school every day ?

A:well ,first I ride my bike to the bus station .  53  .

B:How long does it take ?

A:  54   What about you ?

B:  55   My school isn’t far from my home .

A:That’s great .  56  .

B:It’s big and nice .

A:Oh ,   57  .

B:It’s half past seven .I have to go now .See you .

A:See you .

A. what’s the time ?

B. Then I take a bus to school .

C. I walk to school .

D. It takes about twenty mintutes .

E. I often go there at 7:30 .

F. What do you think of your school ?

G. I always go to school by train .

53.          54.           55.            56.           57.


根据下列短文内容,填入恰当的单词,使短文意思完整 通顺。每空一词。

Bob   58   in a small village .There is a river   59  his village and the town .It only   60  him about 3 minutes to cross the river ,because there is a bridge .It’s   61   for the villagers to cross the river.The town is 10 kilometers  62  a big city (城市).He can take the train to get   63   the city .But he doesn’t   64   the city,   65   he thinks it’s dirty(脏的) and noisy(喧闹的) .

58.          59.           60.          61.

62.          63.           64.          65.


我叫Tina ,我是一名学生。我会弹吉它,也擅长游泳。我家住在江津,离学校20公里。我通常6:15起床,然后在7:30乘公交车上学。大约20分钟,在7:50到达学校,我上学从不迟到。

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初中一年级第二学期英语暑假作业,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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