



Every year students in many count ries learn English.Some of these students are children.1 students are young people.Why do all these people want to learn 2 ? It is not 3 to answer this question.Many boys and girls learn English at schoo1.1t is one of their 4 .Many people learn English because it is 5 in their work.Some young people learn English 6 their higher studies because some of their books are 7  English.Other people learn English bec ause they want to 8 newspapers in English.Some people learn English because they want to 9 in the USA.England or Australia.English is very l0 in our life.

(   )21.A.all         B.the other         C.both           D.other

(   )22.A.English     B.Chinese        C.Maths          D.Japanese

(   )23.A.hard        B.easy           C.good          D.nice

(   )24.A.books      B.classes          C.schools        D.subjects

(   )25.A.good       B.useful          C.fine            D.pleased

(   )26.A.for         B.of             C.to             D.from

(   )27.A.in          B.with           C.at             D.to

(   )28.A.1ook        B.see             C.1ook at        D.read

(   )29.A.go          B.work           C.1ike           D.come

(   )30.A.help       B.helping          C.helps          D.helpful


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