


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的七年级下册英语暑假作业


(    ) 1. I took ______ quick shower at 6:30 am. Then I had ______ breakfast at 7 am.

A. a; a    B. a; /   C. an; the   D. /; a

(    ) 2. I often ride a _______ to work. I think it is a kind of exercise. A. train    B. taxi     C. bicycle    D. Subway (    ) 3. My son often eats junk food. I really _____ about his health. A. talk    B. know

C. learn     D. Worry (    )4. It takes me fifteen minutes ______ from my home to the bus station.

A. walk

B. walking

C. walks

D. to walk

(    )5. —Do you like the two stories?

—One is funny, but _____ is not. A. the other

B. others

C. the others

D. Other

(    )6. —The party is beginning. Where is Lucy now?

—Oh, she can’t come. She _______ for a test at home. A. studies

B. study

C. studied

D. is studying

(    )7. —When does your mother usually go shopping?

—It ________when she is not busy. A. hears about

B. agrees with  C. depends on

D. thinks of

(    )8. —________ is it from here to the Great Wall?

—About five kilometers. A. How long

B. How far C. How often

D. How many

(   )9. —Do you know ________ students in our school? —Yes. It’s about ________.  A. a number of; two hundred    B. the number of; two hundred  C. a number of; two hundreds    D. the number of; two hundreds (   )10. I usually get up at 7 am, ______ yesterday I got up at 6 am.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so


I go to school by bus every day. It is always very crowded on the bus. It is so  1  . One day I told my parents that I didn’t like taking the bus to school. Then my 2  told me about his story. When he was young, he 3  in the countryside. It was near a  4  . So people there had to go out by boat.  5  parents didn’t have much money, but they let him go to school. Every morning he got up very   6  . It was dark (黑的). Then he went to take a   7   . It took him about thirty minutes. Then he had to walk for another twenty minutes. He was always  8   because he could have the chance (机会) to study, although it was very cold in winter.  9  I heard my father’s story, I felt very sorry. I  10  think like that. From then on I go to school happily by bus

every day.

(  )1. A. boring  B. dirty   C. exciting   D. Dangerous

(  )2. A. teacher  B. father  C. brother    D. cousin  (  )3. A. played  B. worked

C. walked   D. Lived (  )4. A. bank   B. river

C. school

D. mountain  (  )5. A. My    B. Her    C. His     D. Their (  )6. A. late    B. loudly  C. early    D. quietly (  )7. A. bus   B. train   C. boat

D. Bike (  )8. A. sad

B. angry   C. relaxed

D. Happy (  )9. A. After   B. Before

C. Until   D. When (  )10. A. should

B. shouldn’t

C. could

D. couldn’t


A: David, you were late for school today. (1) ________?  B: No, I didn’t get up late.  A: (2)__________?

B: Because my bike didn’t work well on my way to school. A: Do you usually go to school by bike?

B: (3)___________. Because it can help me keep healthy. A: I agree with you. (4)____________?

B: It is about five miles from my house to school. (5)____________?  A: I live about two miles from school. 书面表达


How far it is from your home to school: l5 miles  The time of getting up: 7: 00 The time of leaving for school: l7: 30

How long it takes to walk to the subway station: About 10 minutes How long the subway ride takes: About 15 minutes

要求:1. 语言通顺、流畅,可适当发挥;2. 70词左右,已给出部分不计入总词数。 Dear Mike,

Thank you for your last letter. Now I am writing to tell you about how I go to school.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的七年级下册英语暑假作业,.大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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