


46. Key European governments insist Iraq’s co-operation ____ good and military action______ to allow inspections to continue

A. be, be delayed B. is, delay

C. should be, be delayed D. is , be delayed

47. If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, ____more deaths

A. it would have been B. it would be

C. there would be D. there would have been

48. What the customers_____ from the company is that the goods ____ right to their homes.

A. requested, deliver B. demand, be delivered

C. request, should deliver D. demand, delivered

49. If law-breakers _____ the society will be in disorder

A. made unpunished B. came unpunished

C. went unpunished D. not punished

50. We took a taxi to the airport. Otherwise we ____late

A. would be B. were C. will be D. would have been

51. Supposing he never ____, what would happen then

A. come B. came C. would come D. will come

52. What do you think his proposal that we ____ a play at the English meeting

A. had put on B. should put on

C. have put on D. will put on

53. I hope that you ____ right

A. will be B. should be C. were D. would be

54. As you know, I am a disabled man, but I would be happy if I ___of service to you

A. am B. have been C. should be D. would be

55. He insisted that we ____early the next morning

A. start B. started C. would start D. had started

56. I did not see your sister at the meeting. If she ____, she would have met my brother

A. has come B. did come C. had come D. came

57. We ____last night, but we went to the cinema instead

A. must have studied B. might study

C. would study D. would have studied

58. If it _____the snow, we _____the Simian Mountain last week

A. were not, could have climbed B. were not, could climb

C. had not been , could have climbed D. had not been, could climb

59. Without electricity human life ____quite different today

A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be

60. I wish I _____ you yesterday

A. seen B. did see C. had seen D. were to see

61. He talks as if he ____for ages

A. is living there B. was living there C. has lived there D. had lived there

62. The judge ordered the thief ____punished

A. should be B. would be C. was to be D. must be

63. Her pale face suggested that she ____ ill, and her parents suggested that she _____ a medical examination

A. be, should have B. was, have C. should, had D. was, has

64. They are talking ____they had known each other for years

A. as if B. even if C. like D. because

65. Had you done as I told you, you____

A. would succeed B. would have succeeded

C. were to succeed D. should succeed

66. ______your help, I ____the exam

A. Without, will fail B. If not , will fail

C. But for, would have failed D. If it is not for, would have failed


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