



Mrs. White doesn't like fish at all, but Mr. White likes fish very much. He buys some fish and takes it home. Mrs. White sees the fish and she thinks, "Good! I'll ask my friends to have lunch and we can have the fish. They like fish very much."

Mr. White comes home in the evening. He can't find his fish. Mrs. White says, "Oh, your cat eats it."And she gives Mr. White some bread for supper. Mr. White is not happy at all. He takes the cat and Mrs. White goes to a shop. He says to her, "Now you see, my cat is one kilo and the fish is one kilo, too. The cat is here. But where is my fish?"

( ) 36. What does Mr. White like very much?

A. Bread. B. Chicken. C. Fish. D. His cat.

( ) 37. Does Mrs. White like fish very much?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn't.

C. Yes, she likes. D. No, she not likes.

( ) 38. Who does Mrs. White ask to have the fish?

A. Mr. White. B. The cat. C. Her friends. D. Her mother.

( ) 39. Does the cat eat the fish?

A. Yes, it does. B. Yes, he does.

C. No, the cat doesn't. D. No, it doesn't.

( ) 40. What does Mr. White have for supper?

A. Some bread. B. Some fish. C. Some jiaozi. D. Some eggs.


On Sunday, Kangkang goes out for a picnic with his friends. Maria's pet dog goes, too. They take some food there. Jane likes singing very much. She wants Kangkang to sing a song with her, but he has no time. Kangkang has to cook. Wang Ping and Michael would like to help him. Steve carries water for them. And Maria flies a kite with her pet dog. They are all very happy!

( ) 41. Who does Kangkang goes out for a picnic with?

A. His classmates. B. His friends. C. His sister.

( ) 42. What does Jane want Kangkang to do?

A. Cook food. B. Fly a kite. C. Sing a song.

( ) 43. Wang Ping and Michael would like to _________.

A. cook B. carry water C. sing a song

( ) 44. _________ fly a kite.

A. Maria B. The pet dog C. A and B

( ) 45. They _________ on Sunday.

A. go fishing B. go for a picnic C. go shopping



46. - _________ _________(多少钱) are the apples?

- They are 20 yuan.

47. - _________ you _________(有空的) tomorrow morning?

- Yes, what's up?

48. I _________ _________(害怕) I can't get home in time.

49. - Hello!

- Hello! May I _________ _________(和……说话) Tom?

50. I _________ _________(不得不) look after my grandmother at home.


51. Don't forget _________(bring) your kite when you go for a picnic.

52. - Why not _________(take) it? It looks very nice.

- All right.

53. - Would you like _________(go) to the zoo?

- Yes, I want to see animals.

54. - What about (fly) kites this afternoon, Kangkang?

- Good idea.

55. I'll tell _________(he) about it.

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