


( )40. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The building is tall.

B. There are a lot of birds around the building.

C. Beijing is very beau tiful.

D. The building is new.


In the countryside of China, many people are moving to cities to find work. They move because often there isn’t much work in the countryside. Services like hospitals and schools are usually not very nice there.

But in the big cities like London, New York, Paris, people are moving out. They want to live a quiet life. They don’t like the city because the city is noisy and dirty(脏的). The traffic is heavy. Living in the cities costs too much. They want a house with a garden and clean air. So they move to the countryside with clean water and green trees. There, they begin new lives an d try to make new friends.



( )41. There is often much work to do in the countryside.


42. In China, many people are moving from the countryside to the cities ______ _ _____.

43. The cost of living in the cities is _______.


44. _______________________________________________________


45. Why are some people moving from the cities to the countryside?


第三部分 写作(35分)

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)


46. Look! Jim is making m_____ planes. He likes it very much.

47. In the countryside, the air is f_____ and the water is clean.

48.—How many m_____ are there in a year?


49. Lin Tao lives in a house with three floors. His bedroom is on the s______ floor.

50.—Can you see any pictures on the wall?

—Yes, but there is o_____ one.


cross, public, ticket, hurt, before

51. They have two _____ for the movie.

52. My leg _____ , so I can’t walk now.

53. We should look both ways _______ we go across the roads.

54. Turn left at the first _____. You’ll find it on your right.

55. The ______ services in this area are very nice.

Ⅱ. 综合填空。(5分)


if, until, but, make, at, accidents, be, green, right, red

This is a street crossing. There are red and green traffic lights 56 each corner. Drivers must 57 careful to watch them.

When the traffic light is 58 , the cars may go. When the light turns 59 , the cars must stop. They must wait(等待) 60 the red light turns green. Then they can go on. Sometimes the drivers want 61 a right turn or a left turn. They can make a 62 turn when the light is green or red. 63 they shouldn’t drive too fast. 64 they want to make a left turn, they must wait until the traffic light is green. There may be 65 if drivers don’t obey the traffic rules. All of the drivers should be very careful when they are driving on the road.

56. ______ 57. ______ 58. ______ 59. ______ 60. ______

61. ______ 62. ______ 63. ______ 64. ______ 65. ______

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