


Ji Kang: Thanks a lot, Li Feng!

Ⅲ. 用括号内提供的引导词将下列陈述句转换成感叹句。

1. The apple is so sweet. (how)

2. My sister is very careful. (what)

3. These villagers (村民) were friendly. (how)

4. He told an amazing story. (what)

5. The old man laughed loudly! (how)


Ⅰ. 1. can’t 2. can 3. you may 4. he could 5. you can’t

Ⅱ. 1. do 2. too 3. can 4. can’t 5. can 6. couldn’t 7. Could/Can/May 8. problem

Ⅲ. 1. How sweet the apple is!

2. What a careful girl my sister is!

3. How friendly these villagers were!

4. What an amazing story he told!

5. How loudly the old man laughed!

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