



Ⅰ. 根据句意用号内所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. My mother     (be) a teacher. She is now a housewife (家庭主妇).

2. Daniel     (stand) up and said hello to his teacher.

3. It’s sunny. Let’s go     (camp), shall we?

4. Why     (be) they so sad in the photo? What happened to them?

5. Simon     (leave) home two hours ago.

6. Did you     (watch) I AM A SINGER last Friday night?

7. She was busy, so she     (not go) cycling with us.

8. — Where did you sleep last night?

— We     (sleep) in the tent.

9. The ball     (hit) the wall and fell to the ground.

10. Sandy and Maria     (be not) at the park yesterday.

Ⅱ. 根据情景补全对话。其中有两项多余。

B=Bob L=Linda

B: Yesterday was your birthday. What did you do to celebrate it?

L: (1)     And then we ate out in the evening.

B: What kind of movie did you see?

L: It was a cartoon. (2)

B: Then where did you have dinner?

L: (3)

B: How was it?

L: Nice. The food was delicious and cheap. (4)     They sang “Happy Birthday” to me!

B: It was sweet. (5)

L: No, I didn’t. Because I have a toothache (牙疼), and I couldn’t eat too much sweet food.

A. I love cartoons.

B. Fish is my favourite dish.

C. And the waiters were lovely.

D. We had a bad time.

E. Jenny invited me to watch a movie in the afternoon.

F. Did you buy a birthday cake?

G. At a Chinese restaurant.

Ⅲ. 阅读短文,从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空。

come pass play nothing friend

enjoy work collect little see

The ant and the grasshopper (蝗虫) lived in the forest. They were good (1)    . In summer, the grasshopper (2)     all day, and the ant worked hard. He (3)     food for winter. One day, the ant (4)     by the grasshopper’s house. The grasshopper (5)     him and said, “Winter has not come yet. Don’t (6)     so hard.”

Soon winter (7)    . There was (8)     food in the field. The ant had a lot of food to eat, but the grasshopper had (9)    . The ant said, “You played all summer. Now you don’t have anything to eat.”

The grasshopper thinks he should (10)     today. The ant thinks he needs to work today so he can enjoy himself later. Who is right?


Ⅰ. 1. was 2. stood 3. camping 4. were 5. left 6. watch 7. didn’t go 8. slept 9. hit 10. weren’t

Ⅱ. 1-5 EAGCF

Ⅲ. 1. friends 2. played3. collected 4. passed 5. saw 6. work 7. came 8. little 9. nothing10. enjoy

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