


1. 他今天早上吃了一个三明治。

He                this morning.

2. 大多数美国家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。

Most American families have           one car now.

3. 李伟和他的哥哥一样强壮。

Li Wei is                his brother.

4. 五点钟之前你能写完作业吗?

Can you finish your homework               ?

5. 当你有困难的时候,你可以向你的朋友们求助。

When you are in need, you can           your friends’ help.

Ⅴ. 将下列句子翻译成中文。

1. Chinese kungfu is famous all over the world.

2. My brother practises the piano (钢琴) two hours per day.

3. It’s interesting that a snail can sleep for three years at a time.

4. I bought my friend a pencil case for her birthday.

5. The class stopped talking when they saw the teacher come in.


Ⅰ. 1. dry 2. little 3. snakes 4. chalk 5. ant

Ⅱ. 1. at the same time 2. hear of 3. be afraid of 4. The day before yesterday 5. the other day

6. run away 7. not; any more 8. turn around

Ⅲ. 1. without 2. Can dolphins 3. No, they don’t 4. What are 5. How many years

Ⅳ. 1. ate a sandwich 2. at least 3. as strong as 4. by five o’clock 5. ask for

Ⅴ. 1. 中国功夫闻名世界。

2. 我哥哥每天练两个小时钢琴。

3. 蜗牛一次可以睡三年,真有趣。

4. 我给朋友买了一个笔袋当生日礼物。

5. 当看到老师进来时,同学们停止了讲话。

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