


威廉希尔app 为大家搜集整理了七年级英语暑假作业语法练习题,希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦!

Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. There     (be) a lot of dinosaurs (恐龙) on the Earth long ago.

2. Mr Lin     (teach) Kimi to sing Twinkle twinkle little star yesterday.

3. Students of Class 3, Grade 7     (walk) to the zoo last Sunday.

4. Look! The boy     (cry) sadly. What happened?

5. The train ran more and more slowly and finally     (stop).

6. My brother bought a new cell phone. It     (cost) him about 5,000 yuan.

7. “I     (leave) for Shanghai by plane next month,” says Mr Tomas.

8. — Did Confucius write Analects (论语)?

— No, he didn’t. His students     (write) it.

9. They     (watch) a sad film just now (刚才) and it     (make) them cry.

10. A snail (蜗牛)     (have) lots of teeth.

Ⅱ. 根据情景从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。其中有两项多余。

A: Betty, I heard your class had a New Year Party. (1)

B: It was great! All of the students brought their favourite foods and we shared them together.

A: (2)

B: Yes, I did. I played some magic tricks (魔术). I took plenty of flowers from a hat.

A: Wow! Sounds amazing. Did anybody dance?

B: Yes. (3)     They danced so well.

A: Great! How about your teachers?

B: Um … Our English teacher sang an English song. (4)

A: That’s cool. (5)

B: Yes, we did. The party didn’t end until 10:00 p.m.

A. Some boys danced cha-cha.

B. They are good dancers.

C. Did you have a show?

D. You had a great time, didn’t you?

E. When did the party start?

F. And our Maths teacher and Art teacher had a cross talk (相声) show.

G. How was it?

Ⅲ. 根据括号内提供的时间状语改写下列句子。

1. The cat usually sleeps on the sofa. (last night)

2. Mrs Lin is cooking dinner now. (ten minutes ago)

3. The cars often move slowly on this street. (last year)

4. We can see lots of fish swim in the river. (five years ago)

5. Tom helps his father clean the car every week. (yesterday morning)


Ⅰ. 1. were 2. taught 3. walked 4. is crying 5. stopped 6. cost 7. will leave 8. wrote

9. watched; made 10. has

Ⅱ. 1-5 GCAFD

Ⅲ. 1. The cat slept in the sofa last night.

2. Mrs Lin cooked dinner ten minutes ago.

3. The cars often moved slowly on this street last year.

4. We could see lots of fish swim in the river five years ago.

5. Tom helped his father clean the car yesterday morning.

七年级英语暑假作业语法练习题就分享到这里了,更多相关内容请点击查看威廉希尔app 初一英语暑假作业栏目页!


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