


E. That sounds good.

A: Hey, Kate! What nice weather it is!

B: Yeah! Let’s go to the zoo to see animals this afternoon.

A: (1)________ When do we meet?

B: At one o’clock.

A: Good! (2)________

B: Sure. Oh, I don’t know your cousin Rose. (3)________

A: She has short curly hair. And she looks like your English teacher Mrs. Hand.

B: What? (4)________

A: No, she isn’t.

B: Why does Rose look like Mrs. Hand?

A: (5)________

B: Hmm, I see.


Ⅰ. 1. like 2. uncle 3. artist 4. leaves 5. think

Ⅱ. 1. Let’s meet in front of the bookstore

2. Is Dave thin or heavy

3. They are making a snowman in the park

4. She has long straight hair

5. He likes to wear jeans

Ⅲ. 1–5 EABCD

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