


C).请选用适当的词完成下面的对话 (每空仅限一词。5分)

A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way 91 Changfu Building?

B: Changfu Building? It's about 110 meters 92 from here. Go along this road 93 you get to Bayi Road. Turn left and walk on. You'll see it 94 your left. You can't miss it.

A: Thank you a 95 !

91.__________ 92.__________ 93.__________ 94.__________ 95.__________


Lily is a rich(有钱的) and kind girl. She has many new friends in the new school. Some little rich girls are not very nice children. They think they are important because they have money and expensive things. But Lily is different. Lily likes books and telling stories.

Lily was very good at telling stories . She was a clever child, and the other girls love to listen to her.

“How can you tell good stories? ”asks Meihua.

“I have all these pictures in my head ,”says Lily. “so I can tell good stories.”

Meihua is not clever. She can’t remember her school lessons. And her teachers are angry with her. Lily often helps Meihua with her lessons. Now Meihua are good at her lessons.

96.Lily is a kind, rich and __ __girl.

97.Lily often _ ____Meihua with her school lessons.

98.Some little rich girls are not very nice children . But Lily is different ___ __them

99.Lily is good at her school lessons and __ ____stories.

100.Meihua’s teachers are often __ __with her because she can’t remember her lessons.

Ⅶ. 书面表达。(20)


(A) Gina捡到一块手表,请为她写一个失物招领启事,她的电话是668-1209。(5分)

(B). 假设Jeff 是你的朋 友 请你以“My friend,Jeff.”为题写一篇关于Jeff的作文,作文的内容必须包括下面的信息(15分)


2. 对Jeff的外貌简单的描述


4. 校园生活(school life)

5. 暑假将到,Jeff 对暑假的计划和安排

温馨提示:①要点齐全,语言流畅,表达清楚;绝不能逐字逐句翻译 ②书写规范,字迹清楚;③词数: 80词左右

My friend, Jeff



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