


七、词汇运用 (15分)


1. These desks and chairs are made of _______________(木头).

2. At last they took the ______________(虚弱的) cat to the animal centre.

3. You should knock at the door before you _____________(进入) the room.

4. The price of this coat is not __ (低). I don’t have enough money for it.

5. You can’t play with _______________(火柴). They are very dangerous.


6. They visit the old_____________( people)home once a month.

7. When Jane woke up after a dream, she found    (she) under the bed.

8.September is the ______________(nine) month of a year.

9.Go ____________( cross) the bridge, and you will find two tall buildings in front of you.

10. Fish sleep with their eyes open. There are plenty of (amaze) things like that in the world.

11.He was too angry. He went out of the room without _( say ) anything.

12. That’s too ______________(noise) outside. I can’t get to sleep. Please close the windows.

13. We decide _____________(walk) to school together this afternoon.

14. We should try our best to improve(提高) our listening,speaking,reading and writing


15.My little sister didn’t pass the Maths exam(考试) because she was too ___________(care).

八、短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(10分)

The Youth Olympic Games (YOG青奥会) takes place(发生) every four y 1 . Only players between ages 14 and 18 years old can take p 2 in it. Nanjing, the c 3 city of Jiangsu Province will host(主办) the 2014 YOG and it will become the s 4 Chinese city to welcome the Olympic flame(焰火) after Beijing. The Games will take place in August, 2014, and last(持续)12 days.

Green Youth Olympic Games calls on us to p 5 the environment(环境). Then we can have fresh a 6 and show visitors beautiful scenery(风景).

The government(政府) did a lot for the Youth Games, and we are s 7 that YOG will do something good to Nanjing. Workers are busy building n 8 roads and new underground lines for the Youth Games.

People in Nanjing are happy and e 9 about the big event(事件).They are p 10 trees to make Nanjing greener and more beautiful.

1.y 2.p 3.c 4.s 5.p

6.a 7.s 8.n 9.e 10.p







Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to recommend Wang Yan for the Best Student Award.

____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We think that Wang Yan should get the award. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Li Dan

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