




Jo hn likes chocolates very much, but his mother doesn’t give him. They’re bad for his teeth, she thinks. But John has a very nice grandpa. The old man loves his grandson very much and sometimes he buys John some chocolates. Then his mother lets him eat them, because she wants to make the old man happy. On Sunday evening, it is John’s seventh birthday, he says, “Please, God, make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.” His mother says, “God can’t hear you. Don’t shout.” “I know,” says the clever boy with a smile. “But my grandpa is in the next room, and he can.”

56. John’s mother thinks ______________.

A. John’s teeth are bad B. chocolates are good for his teeth

C. chocolates are bad for his teeth D. John likes cakes

57. Why does John’s mother let him eat chocolates sometimes?

A. Because John wants to eat it. B. Because John’s grandpa buys some for him.

C. Because she wants to be happy. D. Because she wants to make John’s grandpa happy.

58. Which one is right?

A. The grandfather is bad. B. John studies hard in school.

C. John is clever. D. John’s mother doesn’t love him.

59. What day is John’s seventh birthday?

A. Saturday. B. Friday. C. Tuesday. D. Sunday.

60. Why does Jo hn shout?

A. He wants to make grandpa hear him. B. He wants to make grandma hear him.

C. He wants to make God hear him. D. He wants to make his mother hear him.


This is the true story of a great woman. Her name was Helen Keller. She was born in 1880 in Alabama in the USA. When Helen was one year and a half, she got ill and then she became blind(瞎的) and deaf(聋的).

Her parents tried to do their best for their daughter and they asked a young teacher called Anne Sullivan to their home to teach Helen. Anne herself was almost blind in her youth. Helen was a smart girl but she couldn’t hear or talk. She was angry at this. So she was always crying and shouting. Then Anne often went for walks with Helen in the country near her home. After two weeks, Helen became quiet. Anne began to teach her how to spell and Helen learned to write. Boards(木板) with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight. Soon her talents were famous all over the world. There were her stories in newspapers and magazines. By the time she was 17, she was studying French, German, Latin, physics and many other subjects. She was still blind and deaf. In 1902, she wrote a book The Story of my life. It became well-known all over the world.

61. Helen became blind and deaf when she was ___________.

A. one year old B. half a year old C. one year and a half old C. two years old

62. Why was Helen always crying and shouting?

A. Because she couldn’t hear and talk. B. Because she felt lonely.

C. Because she was angry with Anne. C. Because Anne always went out with her.

63. Anne taught Helen how to __________.

A. run B. speak and write C. play football D. swim

64. Why did Helen need to use special boards to write on?

A. Because she didn’t like desks.

B. Because she didn’t have desks.

C. Because boards with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight.

D. Because she liked to use them.

65. How old was Helen when she finished the book The Story of my life?


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