


29. ---Are you __________ to go on a trip to Taiwan?

---Yes. But I don’t have


A. free enough, enough money B. enough free, enough money

A. free enough, money enough D. enough free, money enough

30. ---What’s on TV tonight?


__________ a good progamme called Chinese Idol on Dragon TV.

A. is going to have B. are going to be C. is going to be D. are going to have

31. ---Let me help you carry the box.

- --No, tha nks. It’s big, __________ there is nothing in it.

A. and B. so C. but D. because

32. ---__________ is your home from the school?

---Only ten minutes’ ride on a bike.

A. How long B. How often C. How far D. Where

33. ---Is there a No. 2 bus stop near here?

---Yes, there is. __________ at the second crossing, and you will find it.

A. Turning left B. Turn left C. To turn left D. Turns left

34. ---Why does the boy bring a chair here?

---Because the bookshelf(书架) is half a metre __________ his head. He has to stand on it to get the books on it.

A. above B. under C. on D. behind

35. ---I’m sorry to trouble you, Sir?

---__________. What can I do for you?

A. The same to you B. Fine, thanks C. No problem D. Not at all 三、完形填空:(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)


Jennifer was sitting on the bench. After all she went through, it was just what she needed. ‘It’s getting 36 ,’ she thought. ‘I should go home.’

She wanted to know her 37 would react(反应) when she 38 home after the three days she was missing.

It was really dark when she finally reached her front door. It seemed different to her. 39 took care of the outside garden for 40 days. She was surprised as her father usually worked hard to keep everything 41 and tidy. She couldn’t understand what was going on.

She entered the 42 . First, she went into the kitchen 43 she saw a note written by her father. 44 said, ‘Dear Ellen, here is so

She went to her parents’ room. She found her there. Her 45 was lying on the bed, fast asleep. Her face looked so 46 , as if she wasn’t asleep for days. Jennifer wanted to wake her up 47 she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her.

When Jennifer 48 , something was different: She wasn’t in her mother’s room and she wasn’t 49 the old clothes she ran away in. She was on her own bed.

It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice ask, ‘Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you 50 us all very, very afraid.

36. A. early B. late C. warm D. angry

37. A. father B. mother C. parents D. teachers

38. A. got B. left C. wanted D. missed

39. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody

40. A. many B. lots of C. a few D. much

41. A. clean B. dirty C. quiet D. busy

42. A. school B. room C. house D. library

43. A. what B. when C. who D. and

44. A. They B. It C. He D. She

45. A. mother B. father C. friend D. sister

46. A. happy B. tired C. afraid D. relaxed(放松的)

47. A. and B. so C. but D. though

48. A. got up B. woke up C. put up D. cleaned up

49. A. putting on B. dressing C. wearing D. taking

50. A. had B. let C. made D. gave

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