



( )10. How many different kinds of animals will there be in Forest Zoo in 2020?

A.315 B. 350 C.450

( )11. What kind of new animal will come from Europe in Forest Zoo in 2020?

A. the new lions B. the new tigers C. the new snakes

( )12. Where will the new bears come from in Forest Zoo in 2020?

A. Asia . B. Africa. C. America


( )13. Where does Mr. Brown work?

A. in America. B. in England. C. in Australia

( )14. How long will Mr. Brown’s daughter work a week in2020?

A. for fifteen hours. B. for twenty hours. C. for twenty-five hours.

( )15.What will Mr. Brown’s son do in 2020?

A.He’ll work as a manager. B.He’ll work as a doctor. C. He’ll work as a teacher

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