


( ) 63. People often _______ according to(根据) the passage.

A. don’t know the weather tomorrow. B. have different ideas about the weather.

C. don’t like the weather report D. do different things in different weather

( ) 64. What does the write think of the weather report?

A. People don’t need it now B. It’s interesting to watch it.

C. It’s still useful D. It’s not useful at all

( ) 65. What is the best title(题目) of the passage.

A. What Is the Best Weather B. I Like Good Weather

C. Weather Report D. Talking about Weather


在下栏中找出能够回答上栏中的问题或能紧接上栏中句子的最佳选项。其中有两项是多余的。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)(如选E,就涂AB; 选F, 就涂AC;选G , 就涂AD)

( )66. Lucy wants to see a film(电影) this weekend.

( )67. Meimei is very hungry. She wants to buy something to eat.

( )68. Bob wants to post a letter to his pen pal.

( )69. John wants to go to Toronto by plane.

( )70. After dinner Wei Hua likes to take a walk.

A. The People’s Park is a nice place for people to have a walk or picnic.

B. The Star Hotel has many rooms. It is really a good place to live in.

C. There is a big supermarket on Center Street. You can buy delicious food there.

D. There is a new cinema in the town. You can enjoy many good films there.

E. The Bank of China is on the left at the end of the Fifth Avenue.

F. The airport is quite far away from the center of the city. You can take a taxi to get there.

G. The post office is next to the school. It is open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.



Jane works in a 71 .She is a 72 . Her 73 is to look after patients(病人). Every day she goes to work 74 eight o’clock..Jane is kind . _75___ is friendly to others. The patients all like her.

Jane likes her work. She likes cooking, too. She 76 a good cook. Every 76 after work, she goes to the 77 nearby to buy some 79 .Then she goes home and does the cooking.

Jane thinks she is busy but she’s 80 every day.


A) 阅读以下短文,填写表格。(本部分共5小题,共5分)

I am Cathy. I am tall and thin. These are my photos. In the first photo, I am learning to swim at the pool. I am very excited but I feel a little afraid. In the second photo, you can see two boys. They are my cousins. They all have short straight hair. They are playing ping – pong. In the third one, many people are making dumplings(饺子) together. They are my family members. So many people are in the picture because I have a big family. In the last photo, I am with a little girl. She is my aunt’s daughter. She is a little heavy. We are reading a story book together.

Photo People & Appearance(外貌) Doing

The first photo Cathy , tall and thin (81)._________________

The second photo Cathy’s cousins ,

(82)._________________ playing ping-pong

The third photo Cathy’s family (83)._________________

The last photo Cathy and (84)._________. (85).__________________ Reading a story books

(B) 书面表达。(15分)

假如你是Cathy, 根据所给信息,给你的笔友Sarah写一封信,向她介绍你新的英语老师Miss Green(她来自美国,会说英语和一点汉语,她的爱好,样貌,性格如何).



Dear Sarah, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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