


( )5. The volunteers sent _______ books to a mountain village school on Children’s Day.

A. two hundreds of B. two hundred of C. two hundreds D. two hundred

( )6. —_______ will you finish doing the work? —In a few weeks.

A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often

( )7. —How about going shopping on Hunan Road this evening?

— , but I’ve to prepare for tomorrow’s exam.

A. I can’t B. Sounds great C. That’s right D. No, I’m terribly sorry

( )8. On Eric’s birthday, he was given a new computer by his parents.

—How he was!

A. nine; lucky B. ninth; luckily C. nineteen; luckily D. nineteenth; lucky

( )9. Shanghai lies the east of China and the northeast of Guangdong.

A. in; to B. in; in C. to; to D. to; in

( )10. —Why not _______ John a toy car for his birthday?

—Good idea! He is crazy about cars.

A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. buys

( )11. —Congratulations! Among the best pictures in the competition, I found ______. When did you draw it?

—During the trip to the Yellow Mountain ______ May.

A. yours; in B. yours; on C. you; in D. you; on

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