


8. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat.(改为否定句)

9. Fifteen kilos of sausages are mine.(改为一般疑问句)


八、 补全对话(每空一词)

A: Good morning,Tony. Welcome 1 my office. Can I help you?

B: Yes,sir.I lost my wallet. I can’t find it.

A: Don’t worry. Here___2_some wallets in the lost and found box. Is this brown wallet _3_?

B: No, it isn’t __4___. My wallet is purple.

A: It must be this one!

B: Oh,yes.it’s mine.Look, ____5___ my name “Tony”! Thank you,Thank you!

A: You’re ____6___.Please be __7____ ___8____ your things __9__ now __10___.

九、 阅读理解

Hello!My name’s Jenny.I’m 14 years old.I have agood friend.Her name is Mary. Her Chinese name is Chen Mengjia.She is 13.Now she is in Beijing. She is also my classmate. We are in Class2, Grade7. She has a dog .It’s white and black. But she can’t find it now.It is lost. Please help her find it. If you find it, Please call her at 457-8621.Tanks very much!

1. —Who is Mary Miller?

—She is Jenny’s _____.

A. sister B.friend C. cousin D. mother

2. —Whose cat is it?

—It’s _____.

A. Mary’s B. Jenny’s C. Jenny and Mary’s D. Mary’s friend’s

3.—What color is her cat?

—It’s _____.

A. white B. black C. yellow D. white and black.

4.—What’s Mary’s telephone number?

— It is ______.

A. 13 B. 14 C.Class 2,Grade 7 D. 457-8621

十、 根据课文writing 部分,仿写寻物和招领启事。



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