


13. A. Sunshine Park B. Sunshine Town C. Sunshine Restaurant

14. A. 6 B. 18 C. 3

15. A. sing and dance B. cook some Chinese food C. play different ball games


16. Some ants in America can be very ________.

A. heavy B. strong C. thin

17. People and animals are afraid of ________.

A. one kind of ants B. all kinds of ants C. small ants

18. People get away from the ants because ________.

A. they can travel in large groups

B. they can eat and kill elephants

C. they can even kill people

19. People are sometimes glad after the ants pass through because ________.

A. they can see no insects or snakes

B. ants kill and eat elephants

C. they have no wooden houses

20. The story is mainly about ________.

A. a strong snake B. a strong ant C. a strong elephant



21. ---Can you see __________ bright light in the sky?

---Yes, I think it’s __________ UFO.

A. a, an B. the, an C. the, a D. a, the

22. ---Can __________ work out the problem?

---__________, I think. It is too hard.

A. anyone, No one B. someone, Nobody C. anyone, Someone D. someone, None

23. ---__________ is the most difficult of all the lessons.

--- I agree. But it’s the most interesting.

A. Lesson Three B. Lesson Third, C. The Three Lesson D. Third Lesson

24. ---Could I have a look at your ipad?

---___________. I am playing a game now.

A. Yes, you can B. Sorry, you can’t C. Yes, you could D. No, you couldn’t.

25. ---Did you write an e-mail ____ your online friend yesterday?

---Yes. But I didn’t hear ____ him.

A. from; to B. to; of C. to; to D. to; from

26. ---What do you think of the film Switch?

---Wonderful. But I am sorry I the beginning o f it.

A. miss B. was missing C. missed D. will miss

27. ---_ _________ big the office is! Is it for Tom?

---No, it’s ___________. He shares it with me.

A. How, his B. How, ours C. What, his D. What, ours

28. ---Your bedroom is so dirty. Would you please _______, Peter?

---OK, mum. I’ll do it right away.

A. set it up B. put it on C. pick it up D. clean it up

29. ---Are you __________ to go on a trip to Taiwan?

---Yes. But I don’t have


A. free enough, enough money B. enough free, enough money

A. free enough, money enough D. enough free, money enough

30. ---What’s on TV tonight?

---There __________ a good progamme called Chinese Idol on Dragon TV.

A. is going to have B. are going to be C. is going to be D. are going to have

31. ---Let me help you carry the box.

- --No, tha nks. It’s big, __________ there is nothing in it.

A. and B. so C. but D. because


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