


完成了小学阶段的学习,进入紧张的初中阶段。这篇初一2014年英语下册暑假作业 ,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,欢迎阅读~

Jane lives next to me. So we are ______________ (邻居) .

Every year lots of _______________ (参观者) come to the Great Wall.

Sandy wants find a _______________ (工作) in the bookshop.

Jelly won’t go to the cinema. She needs to look after her _____________ (生病的) grandmother.

Please look at the _______________ (经理) names below.

His brother went to _______________ (大学) when he was 18.

We should work hard to get better ________________ (技能).

The tickets to the park are expensive. Each p ______________ needs to pay 100 yuan.

The music s _______________ wonderful.

Jim w _______________ about his homework every day.

He is good at _______________ and is a nice ______________ (cook).

The _______________ (wait) doesn’t know what he wants.

There are many tall buildings in our ________________ (neighbour).

The old man lives in a small flat in ________________ (nine) Street.

She is my _______________ (old) sister.

I am going to be an _______________ (art) in the future.

_______________ (postman) take letters and parcels to people. They work very hard.

He is a ______________ (help) boy and often helps us with our homework.

I’m really ______________ (luck) to have got two tickets to the concert.

I think there is _______________ (something) with your computer. You don’t need find others ________________ (check) it.

威廉希尔app 给您带来的初一2014年英语下册暑假作业,希望可以更好的帮助到您!!


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