


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑了2014年七年级第二册英语暑假作业,以备借鉴。

(    )1. Where are they going ?

(    )2. what is Mike doing at the moment?

(    )3. what will the weather be like tomorrow?

(    )4. what is Xu Lin good at ?

(    )5.How does he go to Hong Kong?



(    )6. When are they going to watch a magic show?

A. 8:00              B. 18:30.            C. we don’t know

(    )7. what’s the price of the ticket?

A. thirteen yuan.  B.thirty yuan      C. twenty-two yuan


(    )8. Which city will hold the next Olympic games?

A. China             B. London            C. New York

(    )9.What Olympic sport will he watch?

A. cycling            B. gymnastics         C. table tennis

(    )10.Is the man good at cycling?

A; Yes, he is.        B.No, he isn’t.        C. We don’t konw.


A visit to Shanghai

When are they going?   On       11

how many people are they going?   There are      12    people

How to Shanghai? By      13

How long is the bund?        14    km long

It is also famous for_______.   Oriental Pearl TV   15

(    )11. A. Saturday          B. Saturday afternoon      C. Monday

(    )12. A. three             B. four                  C. two

(    )13. A. train             B. plane                 C. car

(    )14. A. 1.5km            B. 2.5km                C.1km

(    )15. A. River             B. tower                C. Tower

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