


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑了2014年七年级英语第二学期暑假作业,以备借鉴。

There is more ________________ (来往车辆) on the roads at the weekend.

This museum has many art ________________ (宝藏).

Lions are the ________________ (国王) of the animal world.

--- Does Lisa tell you anything ________________ (好笑的) in the letter?  --- Of course.

It is _______________ (危险) to jump from high places.

They are _______________ (准备) for the party.

Draw a ______________ (直的) line on the blackboard.

Don’t be a ________________. I’ll go with you.

I often buy books in the bookshop at the street c ______________.

Take the first t ________________ on the left.

We must f ________________ the teachers’ instructions (指令) when we are in the lab.

There is p ________________ of rain here in summer.

Listen! How nice the music s _______________.

Walk p ________________ the police station, turn left and walk on.

Watch carefully, and you ________________ (know) how to cook the food.

There are a lot of yellow ________________ (leaf) on the ground.

Today we are going to visit ________________ (giraffe) area in the zoo.

Music can make me __________________ (feel) happy.

Walk _______________ (cross) the street, and you’ll see a flower shop.

We are happy _______________ (be) with you.

Pandas love ________________ (lie) down all day long.

How soon ______________ they ______________ (have) a nice trip?

If you don’t know how ______________ (do) it. You can ask your teacher.

Our teacher asks us ______________ ( not laugh) at others when they make mistakes (犯错).

由威廉希尔app 为您提供的2014年七年级英语第二学期暑假作业,希望给您带来启发!


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