


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑了最新初一英语下册暑假作业,以备借鉴。


第一节 听句子, 选择最佳答语(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)

(   )1. Oh! Good idea!               B.No, they don’t.    C. Yes, they will.

(   )2.A. Really? Thank you..      B. That’ll be great!       C. You are welcome..

(   )3 A. Have a good time.      B. Yes, I’d love to..  C. Well. I’m not sure.

(   )4. A. Sorry, I have no idea..  B. Yes, I like our school     C. Good luck to you.

(   )5. A. In Beijing.        B. In 2018      C. With his family..

第二节 听力理解(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)

(   )6. Who doesn’t want to be a teacher in the future?

A. Robert .        B. Brian.      C. Sam

(   )7. Where does David want to work in the future?

A. In London           B. In Los Angeles.        C. In Moscow


(   )8. When does Mike think he will eat oranges in the future?

A. in the morning.         B. in the afternoon.        C. in the evening

(   )9. What dies Mike think he will eat for breakfast in the future?

A. chicken.          B. fish          C. beef


(   )10. How many different kinds of animals will there be in Forest Zoo in 2020?

A.315                  B. 350               C.450

(   )11. What kind of new animal will come from Europe in Forest Zoo in 2020?

A. the new lions            B. the new tigers         C. the new snakes

(   )12. Where will the new bears come from in Forest Zoo in 2020?

A. Asia .           B. Africa.           C. America


(   )13. Where does Mr. Brown work?

A. in America.  B. in England.  C. in Australia

(   )14. How long will Mr. Brown’s daughter work a week in2020?

A. for fifteen hours.   B. for twenty hours.  C. for twenty-five hours.

(   )15.What will Mr. Brown’s son do in 2020?

A.He’ll work as a manager.   B.He’ll work as a doctor.  C. He’ll work as a teacher

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