


尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的2014年英语初一暑假作业,希望给您带来启发!

1.  Beijing is            big city and it’s            capital of China.

A. the, the      B. a, a           C. the, a           D. a, the

(   ) 2.  ------Tomorrow is my birthday. Would you like to come and have a good time with me?

------Yes,            .

A. I’d like      B. I’d like so.     C. I’d like not.      D. I’d love to.

(   ) 3.  He is very helpful. He often helps others            with their study.

A. a lot        B. a lot of        C. lots of           D. a lots of

(   ) 4.  Millie is one of my best            and she is a            girl.

A. friends, friend                 B. friend, friendly

C. friends, friendly                D. friendly, friend

(   ) 5.  He has            sons and his            son is twelve years old.

A. three, first    B. third, one      C. three, one       D. third, first

(   ) 6.  We can see a modern bridge            the river.

A. on           B. in            C.over           D. about

(   ) 7.  The new pencil box is            .

A. Amy brother   B. Amy’s brother  C. Amy brother’s  D. Amy’s brother’s

(   ) 8.             bottles of milk            there in the fridge?

A. How many, are                B. How many, is

C. How much, is                 D. How much, are

(   ) 9.  Mr. Wu teaches            English very well.

A. your          B. my           C. us            D. they

(   ) 10. ------           do you usually go to school?

------By bus.

A. How long      B. When        C. How          D. How far

(   ) 11. ------How much orange is there in the bottle?

------           .

A. No           B. Nothing       C. None          D. No one

(   ) 12. There            a desk and two chairs between            .

A. are, we        B. is, us         C. are, them       D. is, they

(   ) 13. There are about            teachers and students in their school.

A. nine thousands  B. nine thousand   C. thousand of    D. nine thousand of

(   ) 14. Jim is a            and he works in a restaurant.

A. doctor         B. waiter         C. teacher        D. policeman

(   ) 15. The students stopped            when the teacher came in.

A. talk           B. talking         C. to talk        D. talked

(   ) 16. I can’t wait            to Shanghai.

A. fly            B. to fly          C. flying        D. to flying

(   ) 17. I often go shopping with my mother            Saturday afternoon.

A. in             B. at             C. on          D. opposite

(   ) 18. Lucy lives in a town            .

A. near           B. nearly         C. nearby        D. nearer

(   ) 19. He was            to hear the            news.

A. surprised, surprising               B. surprised, surprised

C. surprising, surprising               D. surprising, surprised

(   ) 20. Shanghai is            the east of China.

A. in             B. on            C. at            D. to

(   ) 21. There is a boat going            the bridge.

A. on             B. over          C. through       D. across

(   ) 22. What            you do tomorrow?

A. shall           B. do            C. are           D. will

(   ) 23.            mothers can’t come to the meeting because they go to Beijing.

A. Sally’s and Jane                   B. Sally and Jane’s

C. Sally’s and Jane’s                  D. Sally and Jane

(   ) 24. We can learn a lot            Chinese history.

A. about           B. for           C. of            D. from

只要这样踏踏实实完成每天的计划和小目标,就可以自如地应对新学习,达到长远目标。由威廉希尔app 为您提供的2014年英语初一暑假作业,祝您学习愉快!


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