


尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的最新初一英语暑假作业,希望给您带来启发!


(   )1.Japan is  ______  the  east of China.

A. to   B.  in   C.at.   D. on

(   )2. The teacher is  ______ his students.

A. strict to  B.  strict with .   C. strict in    D. strict as

(   )3 .There are ______  in the river .

A. many fishes  B. much fish .   C.  much fishes .   D. more fish

(   )4.There is a big house  ______  a garden in front of it .

A. with  B.  for.   C. in.   D. at

(   )5. The sofa is big and soft and it is very  ______  to sit on .

A. new.   B. beautiful.   C. comfortable.   D. high

(   )6.She  is very  ______ to us ,and we all like her .

A. friend   B.  friendly.   C.unfriend    D. unfriendly

(   )7.The working hours are  ______  8:00am ______ 5: 30 pm .

A. too , to   B. from , to   C.  at , or   D. at ,in

(   )8. My classmates  ______ at home . They were on a school trip.

A.was   B. were    C. was not   D.  were  not

(   )9-- ______ your English teacher in Qingdao two days ago ?

-----No, ______ .

A. Was , she wasn' t  B. Were ,she were

C. Is ,she isn't    D. Does ,she doesn't.

(   )10. These toys   ______ very popular last year.

A. was  B. are  C. were    D.  is .

(   )11. It is a big lake   ______ lots of fishes.

A. to   B.  in  C.  with.    D.  from.

(   )12. Jack was born  ______ 18 th, November, 1998.

A.in   B. on  C. to    D. at.

(   )13.Our  English is strict ______ her work..

A.with  B.  in   C. at.    D. to.

(   )14. When was the last time  ______ ?

A. are you there   B. you was there  C.  you were there  D. you are there

(   )15. You mother is waiting for you at home .You'd better  ______ right now.

A.get to  B. go out   C.  come in    D. go back

(   )16.-----  ______ was Tom born ? ----- He was born in a small town. .

A. When   B.  Where   C.  Which     D. What

(   )17. -----  ______ was Lily born ? ----- She was born on June 6 th ,1999.

A. When   B.  Where   C.  Which     D. What

(   )18. -----Where  ______ the  Blacks last Sunday ? ----In the park .

A. were   B. was   C.  is    D.  are

(   )19. -----  ______  do you go back to your hometown ?---- Once a year.

A.  How long   B.  How many   C. How far .    D.  How often

(   )20.The  bottle is empty (空的 ), there is  ______ in it.

A.something  B.anything C. somebody    D. Nothing .

(   )21. ----  ______ was  George .Washington ?----He was the first president of the USA.

A. Where   B.  Who  C.  What    D.  How .

(   )22. I don' t like singing   ______ . I like dancing..

A. and   B. but  C. or.    D. so.

(   )23. He has nothing to do . He is  ______ .

A. tired   B.  bored  C. angry    D. interested.

(   )24. What is your little brother like ?   ______.

A. He is a worker   B. He likes apples .   C. He is naughty.  D. He likes playing football.

(   )25.--- ______ was your last  trip ?  -----Last weekend .

A.When   B. Where   C.  What   D.  How .

(   )26. There  ______  a football match tomorrow .

A.is going to have   B. is going to be  C. will have   D. has

(   )27. ------ Who were   ______  friends ?  ----- Tom and Kate .

A.your the first  B. your first   C. you  first.    D. your one

(   )28. My uncle was born ______ Tianjin.

A.on  B.  in   C.  at   D. of.

(   )29.  Jack ______  back to the village some day .

A. come  B.  comes  C.  will come    D.  came.

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