


同学们,威廉希尔app 为您整理了新人教版初中七年级英语暑假作业,希望帮助您提供多想法。


(一)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。 (10分)

(    )4.Which animal is mentioned(提到) in the dialogue?

A                       B                      C

(    )5.What’s the time now?

A. 2:20                 B. 2:30                 C. 2:15

(    )6. When is the dog’s birthday?

A. May 12th          B. May 20th           C. March 12th

(    )7. Where are they?

A. In a bookshop.     B. In a restaurant.     C. At the man’s house.

(    )8. Whose bike is broken?

A. Linda’s            B. John’s            C. Lily and Lucy’s

(    )9. How often does the boy go to his hometown?

A. twice a month       B. twice a year        C. once a year

(    )10. What’s the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?

A. husband and wife     B. teacher and student   C. doctor and patient



(    )11.Why does Tony look so happy today?

A. Because he will get some presents.

B. Because his friends will come.

C. Because some pop singers will come to give a show.

(     )12.Where is Kitty going to see the show?

A. At home.     B. In the theatre.      C. At school.


A class party

When at 6:30 p.m. 13

Where in  14  on the fourth floor of the school building

What to do Sing, dance and play games

Neil’s phone number 15

(    )13.A. this Saturday      B. this Sunday       C. next Sunday

(    )14.A. the meeting room   B. the classroom     C. the bedroom

(    )15.A. 6245987           B. 6256987        C.6236897


二、单项选择 (共15题,每题1分,共15分)

(   ) 21. I met an old friend of mine ______________ my grandparents’ home.

A. on my way to  B. on my way  C. in my way to  D. in my way

(   ) 22. --- Is there ___________ to tell us?  --- No, nothing.

A. something amazing                     B. anything amazing

C. something am azed                     D. anything amazed

(   ) 23. ---I will go riding with my friends this weekend.

---Really? ________!

A.  Have a good time     B. OK  C. That’s all right   D. Let’s go

(   ) 24. The old lady did not know ___________when the house caught fire.

A. how to do        B.  what to do    C.  how to do it D. what to do it.

(   ) 25. --- What’s the time by your watch, Linda?

-- Sorry, I don’t know. I ___________ my watch at home.

A. forget    B. forgot    C. left      D. leave

(   ) 26. Which of the following “ed” has a different pronunciation from the

other three?

A. answered    B. raised    C. played     D. finished

(   ) 27 --- Steve, don’t do eye exercises with your eyes _________.

--- Sorry, I won’t.

A. close     B. closed    C. open     D. opened

(   ) 28. ________ he ___________ to carry the heavy box for you?

A.Does, enough strong      B. Does, strong enough

C. Is, enough strong      D. Is, strong enough

(   ) 29. Which of the following words comes first in the dictionary?

A. trick  B. trousers  C. treasure    D. treat

(   ) 30. --- Excuse me, but I don’t think you can take photos here.

--- Sorry.  I _______ this is no-photo zone.(地区)

A. don’t know       B.  have no idea    C.  didn’t know   D. won’t know

(   ) 31. Can you see many flowers on _________sides of the road?

A. another          B. the other            C. other           D. both

(   ) 32.         you tired after the visit? No, I         .

A. Did, didn’t     B. was, wasn’t      C. Were, weren’t     D. Were, wasn’t

(   )33. It is a good habit (习惯) to read books          a pen in her hand.

A. for   B. to        C. with      D. on

(   )34. — Why is there a hole in the wall?

— My cat can get in or out          it.

A. across      B. past       C. over       D. through

(   )35. — What about a drink of tea?

—Hurry up. There is          time for a drink.

A. little       B. few         C. a few           D. a little

威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中的相关内容,希望能助考生一臂之力。


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