


这篇关于新苏教版北京初一年级英语暑假作业,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!



21. ---Who cleaned the room?


A. was B. does C. cleaned D .did

22. It_______a lot in Chongqing last year.

A. rain B. rains C. rainy D. rained

23.I ______ my teacher carefully(仔细地) but I couldn’t ________anything.

A. listened, hear B .listened to, hear

C. heard, listened to D. listened to, heard

24.Kelly, _______ girl, wants to be a policewoman.

A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. an 8-years-old D. an 8 years old

25. Tom likes to play ______ violin,but he doesn’t like to play ______ volleyball.

A./,the B. the,the C. the,/ D. /,/

26. Everyone in our class _______English.

A. enjoy studying B. enjoys study

C. enjoy to study D .enjoys studying

27. ---What size bowl of noodles would you like? ---______.

A .I’d like a medium one B .I’d like beef noodles

C. Yes, please D. No, thanks

28 —-What does your mother______?

-----She is tall and thin.

A.look B.like C. look like D. be like

29.Tom,_______ to bed early with your sister.

A.goes B. going C. went D. go

30. It’s five o’clock p.m.Tom and his friends_______in the river.

A. swim B. are swimming C. are swiming D. swam

31.She would like a bowl of _________soup with_______.

A.egg,tomato B.eggs,tomatoes C. egg,tomatoes D. eggs,tomato

32.Look!Can you see her ______into her room?

A.walk B.to walk C.walking D.is walking

33.Does he______ wear ______ uniform at school?

A. must,a B. have to,a C.has to,a D. have to,an

34.---Look!It says “No talking.” ---Oh,sorry.I _________ it.

A. don’t see B. see C. saw D. didn’t see

35.-----______ is it from your home to school? -----Ten kilometers.

A. How long B. How C. How far D. How many

36.It’s difficult for me _______ to Beijing.

A. walk B. walking C. walked D. to walk

37.Turn right _____ the first crossing and the park is ______ your right.

A. on,on B. at,at C. at,on D. on,at

38.Mike is _______ in the ________ movies.

A.interested,interested B. interested,interesting

C. interesting,interesting D. interesting,interested

39. Miss Read is good ______ music.She can be good ______ children in the music club.

A. at,at B. with,with C. at,with D. with,at

40.We have ______ work and _______ rules at school.

A. too much ,too much B. too much,too many

C.too much,much too D. too many,too much

聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑以备借鉴。


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