


同学们,威廉希尔app 为您整理了最新人教版初中七年级英语暑假作业,希望帮助您提供多想法。

一. 单项选择。(30分)

(   )1. What is Kate doing?    __________

A. She is in the room.     B. Yes, she is   C. She is reading       D. She is run

(   )2.Look! What is Tom doing?  He’s _______ TV.

A.seeing      B.looking      C.looking at       D.watching

(   )3.______ are they playing football?  A.What     B.Who    C.Which      D.Where

(   ) 4. A: Is he writing or reading?  B: ________.

A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t  C. He’s reading  D. Yes, he is writing.

(   )5. The  men ________ to the radio.

A. are listening  B. listening C. is listening   D. are listenning

(   6. Thanks for_______me. A. helps B. is helping C. helping   D. help

(   )7. We are doing ______.

A. our homework   B. our homeworks  C. her homework D. his homework

(   )8. Here ______ a photo of my family.  You can see me in it. A. are B. is C. am D. be

(   )9.______ the first photo, I ______ at the mall.

A. On; shop B. On; shopping   C. In; am shoping D. In; am shopping

(   )10. Do you want ______ to the movies with us this evening?

A. go   B. to go    C. goes    D. going

(  )11. Look,Nancy _______ a letter to her parents.

A. writing   B. is writing   C. is writeing       D. writes

(  )12. Listen! Who_________?    ---Emma is.

A. singing        B. is singing        C. sing           D. are singing

(  )13. —Where is Mike?      —He’s _______ the pool.

A. swim at   B. swimming at  C. swiming at       D. swims

(  )14.It’s six o’clock. The Green family _______ dinner.

A. is eating   B. are eatting   C. are eating        D. eats

(  )15. Jimmy likes _______ soccer. Look! He is _________ soccer.

A. playing; playing    B. play; play     C. plays; plays     D. playing; plays

(  )16. That sounds very _______.A. nice  B. good    C. well   D. both A and B

(  )17.This is a photo _______ my family.A. of  B. on C. in  D. ’s

(  )18. Who _______my parents talking _______?

A. are; /    B. is; /    C. are; to    D. is; at

(  )19. Kate has many _______,and she likes _______ very much.

A. pictures; them                      B. picture; them

C. pictures; it                       D. picture; it

(  )20. Thank you for _________ me a  letter.

A. write         B. to write           C. is writing       D. writing

(    )2 1. Please be quiet, my grandfather___________            .

A sleep  B sleeps  C is sleeping  D are sleeping

(    ) 22. In__________   photo, a boy is playing soccer.

A two   B second  C the two   D the second

(    )2 3. Look! Mary and her brother ___________    there.

A are talking over  B is talking over  C are talking to  D are talking about

(   ) 24. I_________ my room every day. But now I __________.        .

A clean, am reading  B am cleaning, reading  C cleaning, read  D clean, read

(    ) 25. In the picture you can see a boy swimming. His father ___________ him.

A sees  B is looking  C is look at  D is watching

(    ) 26. It’s 7o’clock. Tom___________   dinner at home.

A is having  B have   C has  D having

(    ) 27. We __ any Chinese classes on Thursdays. And we __an English class now.

A aren’t having, are having       B don’t have , have

C don’t have, are having         D aren’t having, don’t have

(    ) 28. ----Let’s go to the park, Lily.    -----         . Shall we go now?

A Sorry, I can’t  B Sure  C It’s boring  D Thanks

(    ) 29. -----Ling Ming, are you listening or writing?    -----           .

A Yes, I am  B I’m listening  C No, I am not writing  D I’m listening and writing

(    ) 30. -----What are you doing?  ----- _________. It is too dirty.

A I’m doing my homework         B I’m playing computer games

C I’m cleaning the room           D I’m writing

完成了小学阶段的学习,进入紧张的初中阶段。这篇是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,欢迎阅读!


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