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Helen’s eyes are not very good, so she wears glasses. But she doesn’t wear glasses when she is with her friend,Jim. When Jim comes to her house to take her out, she will take her glasses off, and when she gets back, she puts on the glasses.

One day her mother asks her, “Helen, why don’t you wear glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you to see so many lovely places in his car, but you can’t see anything.”Helen says, “I look more lovely to Jim when I’m not wearing my glasses and he looks better to me, too.”

(   )61.Jim comes to take Helen _______.

A. to school  B. to work  C. to see lovely places  D. to his home

(   )62.Helen doesn’t wear glasses ______.

A. when Jim is with her   B. when she is at home

C. when she is at school   D. in the evening

(   )63.Jim and Helen go out______.

A. by bus  B. by car   C. by bike    D. by plane

(   )64.Which sentence is right?

A. Helen doesn’t like Jim.   B. Helen wants to look more lovely.

C. Jim doesn’t like glasses.   D. Helen’s mother knows Helen  very well.

(   )65.Jim looks better to Helen ______.

A. when he sees everything clearly (清楚地).

B. when she sees everything clearly.

C. when he doesn’t see things clearly.

D. when  she doesn’t see things clearly.


One day Einstein is walking in a street in New York. His friend meets him and says to him, “Einstein, you should buy a new coat. Look, your coat is very old.”

But Einstein answers, “it doesn’t matter. Nobody knows me here.”

After a few years, Einstein becomes a famous scientist (著名科学家). But he still wears the old coat.

His friend meets him again and asks him to buy a new one.

But Einstein says, “I don’t need to buy a new one. Everyone knows me here.”

(    )66.Einstein lived in _______.

A. England  B. China   C. America  D. Japan

(    )67.Einstein’s coat is very old. His friend  _______.

A. gives him a new one    B. asks him to buy a new one

C. help him buy a new one   D. help him mend the old one

(    )68.Einstein doesn’t want to buy a new one because _______.

A. nobody knows him    B. he likes the old one

C. he has no money     D. he isn’t interested in his clothes

(    )69.Some years later Einstein _______.

A. buys a new one     B. becomes a great scientist

C. still wears the old clothes   D. Both B and C

(    )70.The title of the story should be _______.

A. Einstein and His Friend   B. Einstein and His Old Coat

C. A Famous Scientist –Einstein  D. A Day of Einstein


One evening Tim is driving  his car in the country and looking for a hotel. Then he sees an old man on the side of the road, so he stops his car and says to the old man,” Where is the Sun Hotel? Will you please tell me how to get there?” “ Yes, ” the old man answers, “I’ll show you the way.” He gets into Tim’s car, and they drive for about 12 kilometers. When they come to a small house, the old man says,” Stop here.” Tim stops and looks at the house. And he says to the old man, “But this isn’t a hotel.” “No,” the old man answers, “This is my house. And now I’ll show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn back and go 9 kilometers. Then you’ll see the hotel on your left.”

(    )71.Tim wants to stay__________ for the night

A. in his car     B. in the old man’s house

C. in the hotel     D. in the street

(    )72.Tim stops to__________.

A. drive the old man home  B. ask the way

C. buy something    D. say “hello” to the old man

(    )73.The old man takes Tim to__________.

A. a hospital B. a policeman C. a hotel    D. his home

(    )74.In fact, it’s only about__________ kilometers to get the Sun Hotel.

A. three  B. six       C. nine              D. twelve

(    )75. At last ,Tim drives__________ kilometers more to the Sun Hotel.

A.  twelve  B. eighteen      C. twenty-one         D. twenty-four


Mrs.Smith is going shopping with her son.They are looking for a present for Mr.Smith’s birthday.Mrs.Smith wants to buy him a new camera and Tom wants to buy him a jumper.They drive to the shop on the street.Mrs.Smith goes to the Electrical Shop 0n the third floor and Tom goes to the Men’s Clothing Shop on t he first floor.

When Mrs.Smith gets to the Electrical Shop,she finds that cameras are sold(卖)in the Camera Shop on the ground floor.She finds a camera,but it is too expensive.She wants to buy a cheaper one.Then she finds another one.There is a discount on it.but it’s still a little expensive.So she decides(决定)not to buy one.Tom is looking for a jumper.He has only 10 dollars(美元)and it’s not enough.Then he sees his mother.At last,they buy the jumper for Mr.S mith,

(    )76.What do they want to buy for Mr.Smith at first?

A.A camera.     B.A jumper.

C.A camera and a jumper.   D.They don’t decide.

(    )77.What shop does Mrs.Smith go to first?

A.The Men’s Clothing Shop.     B.The Women’s Clothing Shop.

C.The Camera Shop.    D.The Electrical Shop.

(    )78.Why doesn’t Mrs.Smith buy the camera?

A.Because there isn’t a discount on it.

B.Because she doesn’t like the camera.

C.Because she thinks the camera is a little expensive.

D. Because she wants a more expensive and better one.

(    )79.What shop does Tom go to?

A.The Women’s Clothing Shop. B.The Men’s Clothing Shop.

C.The Camera Shop.    D.The Electrical Shop.

(    )80.How much do they have to spend?

A.More than 10 dollars.       B.Le ss than 10 dollars.

C.10 dollars                  D.5 dollars.

四 词汇运用  用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Daniel’s trainers are                   (colour)

2. How many                   are there on the table? (walkman)

3. The sweater is                   of w ool. (make)

4. I can spend 10 minutes                   home. (walk)

5. They’re giving a fashion show                   money.(raise).

6. I need two more                   to finish my homework. (minute)

7. The clothes from the 1980s are ________________ now. (fashion)

8. There is a wallet                   on the floor. (lie)

9. It’ll take me a long time to find the library ______________ your help. (with)

10.Many children like playing a game                   (call) “Trick or Treat”

11.__________ (梦) are not always bad for our health.

12.My sister enjoys walking along the __________  (海滩) when she is on holiday.

13.My hobby is _________(聊天) with my friends on floor cushions at the seaside.

14.Thank you for __________ (邀请). It’s my pleasure.

15.__________(百万)of people die(死) of flu every year in the developing countries.(发展中国家)

16.He likes reading books on the         (阳台)。

17. He has a big room __________(有)twelve showers and four baths.

18.There are about nine  ___________(千)books in our school library.

19.Keep q         please! Father is sleeping.

20.Our English teacher is f__________ to us. We all like her .

五 缺词填空  根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)

What must you do when you get a present for your birthday? You have to sit down and w  1  a thank-note. The w  2  “thank you” are very important. We have to use them very often. We say them when someone gives us a drink, h  3  us to pick up things, or lends us a book.

A  4    important word is “please”. Many people forget to use it. It is n  5   polite to ask someone to do something without s  6   “please”. We have to use it when we ask for something, too. It may be a book or a pencil, more rice or help.

We have to l  7   to say “sorry”, too. When we hurt someone, we’ll have to go up to say “we’re s orry”. When we forget something, we will a  8   say “sorry”.

These three words are easy b  9    important. Our children must learn to use them. They are pleasing(令人高兴) words to use in a  10    language.

1.w___________ 2.w__________ 3.h___________ 4.A___________  5.n____________

6.s____________ 7.l___________ 8.a___________ 9.b____________10.a____________



floor would you like to                 ?


Are you                            of your family?


I live         my family in a         on a          street.


A         is the best            to           flowers.


My pet dog was                  the           of June.








七 年 级 英 语 参 考 答 案

一 选择:

31-35 BAABB  36-40 AABCB  41-45 DDBCD  46-50 AABAB


51-55 BACDB  56-60 CACDB

三 阅读理解:

61-65 CABBD  66-70 CBDBB  71-75 CBDAC  76-80 ADCBA


1.colourful  2.walkmans   3.made   4.walking   5.to rais e

6.minutes  7.fashionable   8.lying   9.without  10.called


1. write 2.word 3.helps 4.another 5.not 6.saying 7.learn 8.also 9.but 10.any


There is a new supermarket called hualian near my home. It takes about half an hour to get there by bus. There are many shops in it, you can buy many kinds of things there.

The supermarket opens from 9:40 am to 9:40 pm. A lot of buyers come there to get things, it is a fun place to go and a good place to meet friends.

聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑以备借鉴。


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