


这篇关于人教版最新初中七年级英语暑假作业,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!



1.¬_______ 2.______  3.______  4.______  5._______


(  )6.A.Funny.     B.Interesting. C.Sunny.

(  )7.A.Windy.    B.Terrible.  C.Snowing.

(  )8.A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, he is. C.Sure.

(  )9.A.It’s a fine day.         B.It’s fine.   ______C.It’s Friday.

(  )10.A.They’re in the classroom.

B.They’re taking photos.

C.It’s raining.

Ⅲ. 听对话,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳答案。

(  )11.How’s the weather in Beijing?

A.sunny       B.windy       C.raining

(  )12.What is Jim doing?

A.playing basketball       B.doing homework

C.watching TV

(  )13.What can Linda do?

A.play chess  B.play the piano   C.draw

(  )14.Is Lisa reading a newspaper?

A.No,she is   B.Yes,she is   C.No,she isn’t

(  )15.How was Tom’s weekend?

A.great       B.bad         C.not bad



How’s it going? What are you doing? How’s the weather?

Mary (16) (17) (19)

Eric      great (18) (20)





(  )21.What ____the woman ____over there?

A.is,do     B.are,doing     C.is,doing

(  )22.____is the weather?

A.How       B.What          C.Which

(  )23.—Where is Andrew? —He is ____ TV in his room.

A.looking   B.watching      C.reading

(  )24.—Li Ming, are you listening or writing? —_____.

A.Yes,I am  B.I’m listening  C.No,I’m not writing

(  )25.Thank you for____us.

A.helping    B.to help         C.help

(  )26. Look!Some boys ____soccer there.

A.playing      B.are playing     C.is playing

(  )27._____is it going?

A.How        B.What            C.Where

(  )28.It is_____outside.

A.cloud   B.clouds     C.cloudy

(  )29.They often go to the zoo _____vacation.

A.at   B.in      C.On

(  )30.—What is he doing? —He is playing _____soccer.

A.a    B.the      C./

(  )31. Thank you for your help.___.

A.No thanks.  B.You’re welcome.  C.That’s right

(  )32.—Is Bob doing homework?

—No, he___.He is___a letter.

A.isn’t,writes           B.isn’t , writing  C.isn’t, writeing

(  )33.—____do you want to go to a movie?

—Let’s go at 6:oo.

A.Where          B.When        C.Why

(  )34.—____is the weather like____Changchun?

—It’s cold.

A.What; about   B.What; in    C.How; about

(  )35.—Do you want to have supper with me?

—That sounds____.I’m hungry now.

A.well           B.good        C.like good


Here are my favorite photos.  36  the first one, you can find it’s  37  .I’m wearing a T-shirt and sitting on the grass.The  38  one is a photo of my family.I’m  39  computer games. My grandfather is playing erhu. My father is   40   a newspaper.My grandmother is talking about the TV show   41    my sister.And my mother is  42  the table. I love this photo very much.In the third one, there are two   43  .They are my friends, Tim and his brother. They are playing basketball. In the last one,I’m singing and my friends are dancing.  44  I see these photos, I’m very happy. They make me think of the happy   45 .I will keep the photos all my life.

(  )36.A.In          B.At         C.For

(  )37.A.day      B.night      C.summer

(  )38.A.first       B.second     C.third

(  )39.A.going       B.doing      C.playing

(  )40.A reading     B.seeing     C.looking at

(  )41.A.to          B.with       C.on

(  )42.A.cleaning    B.sitting    C.buying

(  )43.A.girls       B.boys       C.women    (  )44.A.When        B.Where      C.Why         (  )45.A.time        B.age        C.hour



Dear Mary,

Thanks a lot for your letter and the great photos. I like them very much. Here are some of my photos. In the first one, I am swimming in the lake. In the second one, I am playing football on the playground in our school. In the third one, you can see my family at home. We’re having dinner. In the last one, I am with my little sister Beth. She’s watching TV and I am doing my homework.

Best wishes to you and you family. Please write to me soon.


(  )46.This letter is from_____to_____.

A.Mary; Jim    B.Jim; Mary           C.Ann;Beth

(  )47.Jim likes_____very much.

A.the letter   B.the beautiful photos   C.A and B

(  )48.In the first photo, Jim is _____.

A.playing football  B.swimming         C.A and B

(  )49.Jim has one______.

A.sister       B.brother         C.friend

(  )50.In the last photo, Jim is______and Beth _______is______.

A.watching TV; doing homework

B.doing homework; watching TV;

C.having dinner; writing a letter


It’s a sunny and warm Sunday morning. My parents, my sister and I are all at home. My parents don’t have to go to work, and my sister and I don’t have to go to school. We are all in the yard (院子). Look! My father is cleaning his bike. He often goes to work by bike. The bike ride takes him about ten minutes. My mother is watering the flowers. The flowers make our yard very beautiful. We all like the flowers. My sister is playing with a dog. It’s her pet dog. The dog is very smart. My mother often takes the dog out for a walk after dinner. What am I doing? I’m drawing. I like drawing very much. I want to join the art club at school.

It’s a nice day and we’re busy in the yard. We are very happy today!

(  )51.How’s the weather today?

A.It’s sunny.  B.It’s windy.   C.It’s cloudy.

(  )52.How many people are there in the family?

A.Three.       B.Four.         C.Five.

(  )53.How does the father often go to work?

A.By subway.  B.By car.        C.By bike.

(  )54.What’s the mother doing?

A. She’s cleaning the yard.

B. She’s reading a book.

C. She’s watering the flowers.

(  )55.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The sister is very smart.

B.The writer doesn’t want to join the art club.

D.The mother often takes the dog out after dinner.

完成了小学阶段的学习,进入紧张的初中阶段。这篇是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,欢迎阅读!


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