


同学们,威廉希尔app 为您整理了2014江西初一年级英语暑假作业试题,希望帮助您提供多想法。


(A student meets his English teacher at the bus station when the summer holidays begin. )

S: Hello, Miss Li. How are you?

T: Oh, fine, thank you.   21   And how are you and your parents?

S: We’re all very well, too. Thanks.

T:   22

S: My parents and I are going to Shanghai to see my grandparents. And you?

T: I’m going to Beidaihe. All the teachers are going there.

S:   23

T: For a week.

S: We’re coming back in a week, too.   24

T: Thank you. Have a good trip! There goes the bus.   25   Goodbye.

S: Bye.

A. Let’s go to the classroom.

B. I hope you’ll enjoy your holiday there.

C. Where are you going now?

D. Will it take you some time?

E. I have to go now.

F. Glad to see you here.

G. How long are you staying there?

21.        22.        23.        24.        25.

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

Do you think of your parents? “Yes, of course. ” you may answer, “I buy a present for my mother on   26  . And I give my father a present on Father’s Day, too. ” Then what about the other days of a year? Always   27   to think of your parents, not just on some   28   days.

I have a friend. She   29   alone, because her parents live in a different city. One day I went to see her. We had a nice talk. Then she wanted to make a telephone call. She dialed (拨) the number, but then she put the phone   30  . After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again. “Hi, Mom …”

Late r, I asked, “Why did you dial the number   31  ?” She said, “My parents are old. They can’t get   32   the telephone quickly(快速地). I always do so when I call them. I just want to give them   33   time to answer the call. ”

My friend is just such(这样) a good girl. She is always   34   her parents, so why not   35   her? You’ll also be a good son or daughter.

(   )26. A. Father’s Day B. Mother’s Day C. Teachers’ Day  D. Children’s Day

(   )27. A. ask B. forget C. stop  D. remember

(   )28. A. special B. interesting C. difficult  D. boring

(   )29. A. live B. l ives C. lived  D. living

(   )30. A. up B. away C. down  D. on

(   )31. A. once B. twice C. three times  D. four times

(   )32. A. far from B. behind C. close to  D. at the end of

(   )33. A. few B. a little C. a lot  D. little

(   )34. A. thinking about B. putting away C. looking for  D. listening to

(   )35. A. ask B. learn from C. talk about  D. miss

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)


Wang Xiaojun is 12 years old. He lives in the country in Hubei. Today is his birthday. His parents prepare a nice dinner for him, but the boy says, “I won’t have the dinner because after the dinner, today is over, and my parents are going to Shenzhen tomorrow. I don’t want to let them go. ”

Wang Xiaojun has the birthday with his parents for the first time in the past three years. Three ye ars ago, his parents went to Shenzhen to work. They stayed and worked there for three years. Tomorrow they have to go back to Shenzhen.

Wang is not the only stay-at-home child. In the country of China, there are many children staying at home without (没有) their parents. Stay-at-home children have a lot of problems. Most of them stay with their grandparents. Some of them don’t study well because their parents can’t help them with their study.

The Chinese government (政府) now is trying to solve (解决) their problems.


(   )36. When was Wang Xiaojun born?

A. In 2000.       B. In 2001.       C. In 2002.       D. In 2003.

(   )37. Wang Xiaojun won’t have the birthday dinner because _______.

A. there isn’t a birthday cake

B. the food is not delicious

C. his parents are going to Shenzhen tomorrow

D. he doesn’t like the dinner


It’s 5:00 p . m. Mike is driving his new car to his sister’s factory. He wants to pick up(接)his sister. But he doesn’t know the way. He stops in front of a bank. At this time he sees an old man near his car. Mike comes out of the car and asks the old man, “Excuse me. Where is the factory?”The old man says,“Yes, I know the way to the factory. I can go there with you.”The old man is now sitting in Mike’s car. Soon they come to a small house and the old man says,“Stop here, please!”Mike stops the car and says,“But this isn’t a factory at all.”“No,”says the old man, “This is my house. I want to get home before dinner. Thank you for taking me home. The factory is behind the bank. So go back to the bank and then turn left. You’ll see the factory. You can’t miss it.”After half an hour, Mike gets to his sister’s factory. It’s just behind the bank!


(   )41. Mike wants to go to _____.

A. his sister’s factory             B. the old man’s house

C. a bank          D. his home

(   )42. Mike asks _____ for help.

A. his sister                      B. the police

C. an old man                    D. an old woman

(   )43. The factory of Mike’s sister is _____.

A. in front of the bank               B. behind the bank

C. in front of the old man’s house      D. behind the old man’s house

(   )44. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Mike’s car is new.

B. The old man knows the way to the factory.

C. Mike gets to the old man’s home first.

D. The old man doesn’t tell Mike the way to the factory.

(   )45. How many people are mentioned (提到) in the passage(文章)?

A. 2.       B. 3.       C. 4.       D. 5.


Traffic lights are very important to us. I think everyone knows this. But how were they born? Do you know?

Garrett A. Morgan was the father of traffic lights. He was an American. Morgan was born in 1875. His family was very poor. ①He left(离开)school at the age of 14. He was very clever. He always looked for better ways to do things. And he liked to make new things. At that time, every American wanted to have a car. Streets were full of cars. The traffic was not good.②“Why not put three lights at ea ch street crossing? They should be red, yellow and green,”Morgan said,“Let them tell cars to go or stop.”So he made a timer(定时器)to change the lights. Now we have traffic lights on the street.



(   )46. Garret A. Morgan wasn’t the inventor (发明者) of traffic lights.

(   )47. Garret A. Morgan was born in the USA in 1875.


48. He left school _______ _______ _______ fourteen years old.


49. __________________________________________________


(   )50. The best title(标题)for the passage(短文)is ___________.

A. A story about Morgan

B. Traffic lights

C. How were traffic lights born

D. Morgan’s birthday

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