


2014年初中七年级英语上册暑假作业由威廉希尔app 为您提供的,祝您学习愉快!

一.1-5. ABDDB 6-10 CCABB 11-15. BACBB .

二. 16-20 ACACA. 21-25. BACAC 26-30 CCDDA.

三. 31-35. DACDD 36-40 ACBBC

四. 41-45 BBADB 46-50 DDABC

五. 51. politely 52. crowed 53. elevator 54.through 55. umbrella

56.population 57.interested 58.experience 59. natural 60. decided .

六. 61-65. EADCB

七. 66. was 67 hurried 68. shouting 69. wait 70 later 71. socks 72. on 73. still 74. come 75. answered

八. One possible version

I have best friend who is getting on well with me .He is 13 and he has learnt English for 5years . He likes learning English because he loves traveling around the world .He also finds it useful to master a foreign language as it is so widely used in our daily life . He wants to be tour guild when he grows up . I hope his dream can come true .

威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中的相关内容,希望能助考生一臂之力。


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