


2014年初一年级英语暑假作业由威廉希尔app 为您提供的,祝您学习愉快!

1. They      (leave) for Beijing yesterday .

2. Listen! Tom’s sister     (sing) for her good frends now .

3. My mother decides     (buy)a gift for me .

4. I enjoy    (study) English with my classmates .

5. We would like      (have) a job for you as a reporter .

6. Where    you    (go) on vacation last month ?

7. Old Tom    (visit) the Great Wall again last week .

8. The boy     (do) morning exercises every morning .

9. There     (be) a football match yesterday afternoon .

10. There      (be) an English evening next Sunday .

11. Jim is good at    (shop) .

12. We enjoy ourselves    (learn) and    (speak)English .

13. The movie makes us     (relax) .

14. How about     (eat) ice cream ?

15. Each of the students in our class    (be) of mediem build .

16. Please     (put) your bike under the big tree .

17. The students       (not have) a class meeting yesterday .

18. Who     (teach) you English this year ?

19. Look! The bus      (come) .

19. The children here like     (make) some interesting kites .

20. Jack has to    (work) hard because he falls behind .

21.     (not be) late for class .

22. What else    she    (have) to do next?

23. There    (be) an English party next Friday .

24.     (not fight) with each other in your school .

25. I hear Tom’s sister    (sing) in her room now .

26. It’s too hot .Do you mind my    (open) the windows ?

27. You had better    (wear) sunglasses to protect(保护) your eyes .

28. The teacher asks us    (not talk) in class .

29. I think    (swim) is good for your health .

30. We must      (work) very hard and make great progress(取得很大步) .

31. Thank you for      (give) us so good ideas .

32. I saw a little boy      (lie) on the ground just now .

33. There     (be) a lot of rain in the south of China last year .

34. We can’t      (live) without water and food .

35. How many sheep      (be) there on the farm last year ?

36. The old man watched some boys       (play) at five o’clock yesterday .

37. Can you finish       (write) the article this evening ?

38. Yesterday we      (have) a math test .I      (get) full marks .

39. One of my classmates want       (be ) an English teacher in the future .

40. Everyone in our class       (enjoy)their holiday .

41. What     your father     (look) like ?

42. There     (be) no water and no air on the moon .

43. Your friend         (wait) for you over there .

44. He often practices      (run) in the morning .

45.      (listen) to your teacher carefully in class!

46. She never      (arrive) late for class .

47. No      (talk) in the classroom .

48. You mustn’t        (take) the mobile phone into the classroom .

49. It’s not good       (sing) in class .

50. Today is a good day for        (walk) for everyone .

威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初中的相关内容,希望能助考生一臂之力。


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