



一、 选择填空。

(    ) 1. How does the idea          to you?

A. sound          B. sounds          C. voice         D. noise

(    ) 2. The dish         good.

A. looks         B. feels           C. sounds           D. tastes

(    ) 3. The baby is learning to          .

A. talk            B. speak          C. say            D. tell

(    ) 4. We        music teachers, but we need art teachers.

A. needn’t           B. can’t need         C. don’t need         D. aren’t need

(    ) 5. One day Tom          Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help.

A. talks           B. speaks          C. says          D. tells

(    ) 6. If you don’t want to go shopping, I won’t          .

A. also            B. too            C. either           D. as well

(    ) 7. Are you good         kids or old people?

A. to             B. with           C. for              D. at

(    ) 8. –Do you know someone who can          Chinese kung fu?     -I have no idea.

A. make            B. makes           C. does           D. do

(    ) 9. He can          football now.

A. plays           B. playing           C. to play         D. play

(    ) 10. –Do you often         ?          -Yes, I do. I play them well.

A. play the trumpet       B. pay baseball        C. play the guitar     D. play computer games

(    ) 11. The boy often         a cold in winter because he doesn’t like wearing thick clothes.

A. get                B. has             C. catch            D. carry

(    ) 12. You’d better do morning           every day. It’s good to have lots of          .

A. exercise; exercise         B. exercises; exercise        C. exercise; exercises    D. exercises; exercises

(    ) 13. They           go to school         Saturday.

A. don’t; on           B. doesn’t; on          C. aren’t; in          D. not; in

(    ) 14. –Lucy,          your coat, please.    –It’s time to go to school.

A. get dressed          B. put on          C. wear          D. dress

(    ) 15. His grandparents often go out for          in the early morning.

A. walking              B. walk          C. a walk          D. walks

(    ) 16. My home is far from our school. It’s about            walk, so I take the bus to school.

A. fifty minutes         B. fifty-minutes         C. fifty minute        D. fifty minutes’

(    ) 17. You can        stay at home         go out to play.

A. either; or          B. both; and          C. neither; nor         D. Both A and B

(    ) 18.         Lucy          Lily may go dancing with you, because they are not allowed to go out on school nights.

A. Either; or           B. Neither; nor          C. Both; and          D. Not only; but also

(    ) 19. –I’m not sure what to get mom for her birthday.    –Oh, I have no idea         .

A. too              B. neither          C. also          D. either

(    ) 20. You can go to that new restaurant, because food there tastes         .

A. well              B. bad            C. good          D. deliciously

(    ) 21. He often listens to all kinds of music so he shows good          in music.

A. love              B. interest          C. smell             D. taste

(    ) 22.         Lucy and Lily want to go to the park?

A. Do               B. Does             D. Is            D. Are

(    ) 23. I often watch TV, but sometimes I like          some reading.

A. to do          B. do          C. does        D. to have

(    ) 24. –How do they get to school?     -           .

A. They by bike to school.       B. they ride bikes school

C. They get to school by the bike.     D. They ride bikes to school.

(    ) 25. –How do you usually go to school?        -I usually          to go to school.

A. take bus         B. take a bus        C. by bus       D. by a bus

(    ) 26. –How far is it from here to the park?      -It’s about               ride.

A. fifteen minute      B. fifteen minutes     C. fifteen minutes’     D. fifteen-minutes

(    ) 27.         it take you to go to work on foot?

A. How long is        B. How many times does     C. How many hours is     D. How long does

(    ) 28.         old people exercise in the new park every day, because it is very beautiful.

A. Hundreds of         B. Two hundreds      C. Hundreds        D. One hundred

(    ) 29. –Do you often go to school by bus?     -No, I go to school         my bike every day.

A. with             B. on           C. by           D. in

(    ) 30. -          does it take you to get to school?        -Half an hour.

A. What time         B. How long         C. How far           D. What

(    ) 31. –How does he usually go to school every day?     -He usually          to go to school?

A. rides bike          B. by bike          C. rides the bike       D. by a bike

(    ) 32. It takes me thirty minutes          there by bus and an hour on foot.

A. get               B. gets            C. getting        D. to get

(    ) 33. I’m sorry I have to          my office. It’s too late.

A. get             B. leave for         C. return         D. reach

(    ) 34. It’s about           walk from my home to school.

A. ten minute       B. ten minutes        C. ten minutes’         D. ten minute’s

(    ) 35. Can you tell me          ?

A. how old are you      B. what’s your name      C. what’s the weather like    D. how the weather is

二、 用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. Sorry, I can’t help you with           (dance).

2. My grandmother            (exercise) with a group of old people in the park every morning.

3. I don’t know how to do this            .  (work,  job)

4. Many people lost their           .  (work,  job)

5. My mother          (work,  job) in a car factory.

6. Your ideas just won’t          .  (work,  job)

7. Get           (dress) quickly, or you’ll be late for school.

8. Thank you for            (teach) us so well.

9. Your bedroom is too dirty. Can you do some           .  (clean)

10. You’d better read English for a quarter minutes before            (go) to sleep.

11. Sally likes         (live) in Wuhan because people here are friendly.

12. Ann spends half an hour         (ride) his bike to school today.

13. I’m thinking of            (change) my job.

14. I wouldn’t dream of            (go) without you.

15. It’s time for us            (leave).

16. It often takes me half an hour           (walk) to school.

三、 翻译句子,一空一词。

1. 你为什么喜欢游泳?    Why do you                   ?

2. 我能帮你学跳舞。      I can          you                   .

3. 你必须说真话,要么就什么也别说。      You must either tell the truth                           .

4. 玛丽每天晚上遛狗。    Mary                   dog         the evening every day.

5. 不要整天工作,你需要散散步,让自己放松一下。

Don’t                         . You need                                    to relax yourself.

6. 他没有多少钱买书。       He doesn’t have                   to buy books.

7. 他没有很多时间锻炼。     He                                     for          .

8. 或者你,或者你妹妹洗碗。            you         your sister         the dishes.

9. 乘公汽通常要花25分钟。    The                 usually takes about 25 minutes.

10. 他骑车上学。             He          to school.

11. 那个老人没有活过那一晚。     The old man didn’t                the night.

12. 我有生活的目标。        I have something to              .

13. 谢谢你来看我。        Thank you                to see me.

14. 我们必须离校回家。     We must         school           home.

15. 他经常把钥匙忘在车里。     He always         his keys                       .

16. 你能借钱给我真是太好了。      It is very kind                         lend me money.

17. 一个人在河里游泳太危险了。      It is dangerous                  alone in the river.

四、 句型转换。

1. I can speak Chinese.  (对划线部分提问)                                       ?

2. They can play the guitar.   (对划线部分提问)                    they        ?

3. He takes the bus to school every day.  (同义句)   He goes to school                         every day.

4. It takes ten minutes’ ride to get to North Street Hospital.  (对划线部分提问)

it         to get to North Street Hospital?

5. I’m late for school because of rain.  (改为同义句)   I’m late for school                      .

6. He spends three hours getting to school this morning.   (改为同义句)

It                  three hours                 to school this morning.


Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school. He gets up at six o’clock e    1     day, takes a shower and

h   2       a quick breakfast. Then he l    3    for school at a   4    six thirty. F   5    , he rides his b   6    to the bus station. That t    7     about ten minutes. Then the e   8    bus takes him to school. The bus r   9     usually takes about 10 m    10     .

六、用cross, across 与through 填空。

1. You need to walk           a gate into the church.

2. There is a bridge           the river.

3. He wants to          the Pacific (太平洋) one day.






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