



________you tell me________ ________ get to the park.?


________ ________ the bridge is the Tower of  London.


It's difficult ________ me ________ ________ English well.


The post office ________ ________ the cinema.


________ ________ the street, and then ________ ________


(   )1.think everyone will study at home ____ the future.

A. at        B. on        C. to      D. in

(   )2. Everyone ______  English  hard  in  our  class .

A. study      B. studys   C. studies  D. studying

(   )3.Will there be schools in the future ?   No ,there ____ .

A. isn’t    B. won’t  be  C.  won’t   D. will  be  not

(  )4.Will  they  send  their  homework  __ the  teacher _  email ?   ---Yes , they  will .

A. for ; by  B.  at  ;  with   C.  to  ;  by    D. by  ;  to

(   )5、Do  you  think  there __ no  students  at  school  in  the  future ?

A.  are     B.   will     C. will  be     D.  will  have

(   )6. —________?    —I’d like to buy some books.

A. What are you doing?  B. What can I do for you

C. How are you?        D. How is it going?

(   )7. —________ is your T-shirt?—It’s 40 dollars.

A. How many  B. How big  C. How much  D. How long

(   )8. —What size does he take?  —________.

A. Blue    B. 90 yuan  C. Small  D.  Yes, please

(   )9. There are ________ students in our school.

A. six hundred  B. six hundreds  C. six hundreds of  D. six hundred of

(   )10. Here is a big sale !  Everything is________ price.

A. half      B. full       C. zero         D. /

(   ) 11. They ________ an English evening next Sunday.

A. are having   B. are going to have C. will have    D. is going to have

(   )1 2. Charlie ________ here next month.

A. isn’t working   B. doesn’t working

C. isn’t going to working   D. won’t work

(   ) 13. He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.

A. will be; is  B. is; is   C. will be; will be D. is; will be

(   )1 4. There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

A. was  B. is going to have  C. will have D. is going to be

(   )1 5. He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.

A. will    B. is     C. will be  D. be

(   ) 16. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A. will gives     B. will give   C. gives        D. give

(   ) 17. – Where is the morning paper?    – I ________ it for you at once.

A. get      B. am getting      C. to get    D. will get

(   ) 18. ________ a concert next Saturday?

A. There will be   B. Will there be  C. There can be   D. There are

(   )1 9. He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.

A. gives   B. gave   C. will give  D. is going to giving

(   )20. He ________ in three days.

A. coming back         B. came back

C. will come back     D. is going to coming back

(   ) 21. – Will his parents go to see the film tomorrow?  – No, _______(不去).

A. they willn’t.    B. they won’t.  C. they aren’t.     D. they don’t.

(   ) 22. Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon?

A. will; go    B. do; go    C. will; going      D. shall; go

(   )23. —________?    —I’d like to buy some books.

A. What are you doing?  B. What can I do for you

C. How are you?        D. How is it going?

(   )24. —________ is your T-shirt?—It’s 40 dollars.

A. How many  B. How big  C. How much  D. How long

(   )25. —What size does he take?  —________.

A. Blue    B. 90 yuan  C. Small  D.  Yes, please

(   )26. There are ________ students in our school.

A. six hundred  B. six hundreds   C. six hundreds of  D. six hundred of

(   )27.. Here is a big sale !  Everything is________ price.

A. half      B. full       C. zero         D.

(   )28.. —________?    —I’d like to buy some books.

A. What are you doing?  B. What can I do for you

C. How are you?        D. How is it going?

(   )29. —________ is your T-shirt?—It’s 40 dollars.

A. How many  B. How big  C. How much  D. How long

(   )30.. —What size does he take?  —________.

A. Blue    B. 90 yuan  C. Small  D.  Yes, please

(   )31.There are ________ students in our school.

A. six hundred  B. six hundreds

C. six hundreds of  D. six hundred of

(   )32.Here is a big sale !  Everything is________ price.

A. half      B. full       C. zero         D. /

(   )33. Go ________the street, you will see a shop.

A. to    B. cross  C. on    D. across

(   )34. Mary is sitting next________me. We are good friends.

A. on  B. of    C. to   D. in

(   )35. It’s down the street ________ the left?

A. on  B. in   C. to   D. from

(   )36.. The post office is across ________ the park.

A.to  B. from    C. on  D. near

(   )37.. ________ ask the policeman?

A.Why   B. Why don’t  C. Can  D. Why not

(   )38. —________, how can I go to the bank ?  —You can take the No.17 bus..

A. Excuse me  B. You are welcome    C. Thanks a lot   D. Never mind

(   )39.. I enjoy ________ very much at the party

A. me     B. to me    C. myself  D. my

(   )40 The pay phone is ________ the school and the park.

A. on    B. across   C. to    D. between

(   )41. Let Jane ________ the art club. She likes drawing very much.

A. joins    B. joining     C. join    D. to join

(   )42. ________ I get to the museum?

A. What do   B. How can    C. How to    D. Where do

(   )43. The meeting will ________ until 4∶00 in the afternoon.

A. go  B. come   C. continue  D. end

(   )44. —Excuse me! Is there ________ hospital near here?

. —Yes, there is ________ over there.

A. a,one  B. the,a   C. a,the  D. the,one

(   )45. I like soprts and I ________ like music.

A. too  B. also    C. both  D. all

(   )46.  My mom often ________ us not to play in the street.

A. speaks  B. tells   C. says    D. talks

(   ) 47. Could you tell me how to  ________ the National Stadium?

A. go   B. get   C. be   D. get to


1. ________ ________(网购)is a new way of shopping.

2. He doesn’t go to school _______ _______(因为)the bad weather.

3. We can buy things on the Internet ____ _____ _____(在任何时间.

4. Internet _______ _______(正改变着)our life.

5. I think going out and shopping with friends is _____ _____ _____(更多乐趣).

6. I am going to buy for my mother on __________(母亲)Day

7. My brother likes eating __________(草莓).

8. There’s a __________(降价) on today.

9. Everything is half __________(价格).

10. What __________(别的) would you like?

11.Go ________(沿着) Wangfujing Dajie.

12. The bookshop is ________(在……的对面) the park.

13. Jackie Chen is a________(著名) movie star.

14. Look at the ________(晴朗的) sky

15. Turn left, you’ll see a big ________(桥).






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