



What’s the world’s favorite game? In American, people call it soccer, but in other places of the world, it is called football.

Football is an old game in Europe and South America. Countries like Italy, Spain, and Argentina have long football histories and thousands of fans. For many fans their football club is part of their lives. They wear their club’s colors and sing their club’s songs and watch every game their team plays. Do you know the history of women’s football in China is longer than football in Europe and South America? There are pictures of women playing football at the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty.(东汉)

One of the oldest football competitions(竞赛)in the world is the FA Cup in England. Teams from 600 clubs play in it. Big clubs in this competition are Manchester United,  Liverpool (利物浦队)and Arsenal(阿森纳队). These clubs have fans in China and in countries all over the world. Manchester United even has a TV station called MUTV.

(   )1 “For many fans, their football club is part of their lives.”

What does the sentence mean?

A  Many football fans love their football club very much.

B  Many football fans help their club.

C  The football club needs fans’ help.

(   )2 Which is the oldest, the football in China, the football in Europe or the football in South America?

A. The football in Europe.     B. The football in China.

C. The football in South America.

(   )3. What is MUTV?

A. The Manchester United Team.

B.The TV station of Manchester United.

C.The TV station of United States.

(   )4 What’s the best title of the passage?

A,The world’s favourite football teams.

B. The world’s football fans are excited(兴奋激动的)

C.The World’s favourite game.

(   )5 Which of the following is NOT right?

A.Football fans like to wear their team’s colors and sing their club’s song.

B.There are many football fans of English clubs in China.

C.Liverpool and Arsenal are American football teams.


Do you know Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng ? Here is some information about them.

Fei Junlong was bom in 1965. He is a Chinese astronaut selected(挑选) as part of the Shenzhou program. He was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province of China and joined the People's Liberation Army Air Force (中国人民解放军空军) in 1982 at the age of 17. And since then he has only returned home six times. As a fighter

七年级下英语期末复习 M11 模拟

pilot(战斗机飞行员) in the People's Liberation Army Air Force, he was selected to be an astronaut in 1998.

He married his wife, Wang Jie, in 1991 and has one son.

Nie Haisheng was born in September 1964. He is also a Chinese astronaut selected for the Sbenzhou program. He was born in Yangdang town of Zaoyang , Hubei Province After graduating (毕业)from high school he joined the People's Liberation Army Air Force, and became a fighter pilot. In 1998 he was selected for the astronaut program.

He was one of the three astronauts who were in the final group to train for the Shenzhou 5 flight. Yang Liwei was also picked out for the flight, with Zhai Zhigang.

On 23 September, 2005 it was reported by the Hong Kong-based news agency(机构), China News Service(通讯社) that Zhai and Nie would be one of the three pairs of astronauts who would be in the final training for Shenzhou 6. But in the end, Fei and Nie were chosen, and Zhai missed his second chance to space.

Nie Haisheng got married to Nie Jielin and has an 11-year-old daughter.

(    )1. When did Nie Haisheng join the Army?

A. In 1982.   B. In 1998.   C. The writer didn't tell us. D. In 1991.

(    )2. How many times has Fei Junlong returned home since he left at the age of 17

A. Two times.  B. Four times.   C. Six times.  D. Eight times.

(    )3. How many people did the writer mention(提及) in this passage?

A. 5.    B. 6.    C. 7.       D. 8.

(    )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A. Fei Junlong is one year older than Nie Halsheng.

B. Zhai Zhigang got married to Nie Jielin and has a son.

C. Yang Liwei was born in Yangdang, Jiangsu Province.

D. Nie Halsheng has an eleven-year-old daughter.



When Milk was walking along the street, he noticed a strange man. The man looked at him with a big frown(皱眉) and it made Mike very uncomfortable. Mike did nothing  w           (1) but the man still frowned at him. He was so angry that he frowned at the man with his tongue(舌) out. And he found most of the people around looked unhappy and frowned. Mike wanted to know w           (2) so many people frowned at each other.

A good idea came into Mike’s head. He should s           (3) first.It looked silly at first, but he wanted to h           (4) a try. When a woman walked towards him, he smiled a           (5) her and the lady smiled at him, and most of the people smiled at him, too. Everybody looked happy b           (6) of the smile of the friendly boy.

Then Milk once again met the stranger and the man still looked at him w

(7) a frown. Mike had a good idea. He smiled a big smile w           (8) the man passed him. The man stopped, looking at Mike’s face, and he started to smile. The two strangers laughed and they b            (9) friends soon. Just a smile changes the world i           (10) a happy place.


Tennis is in its second life. Its first game b   1    in France. The name of the game comes from the French word "tennez". The English men c   2    the game "tennis" when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago.

The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts were built in every park, in every city,

just l   3    today. The two countries played a   4    each other. At first they played for honor. Then they w   5    money. Later people began cheating(欺骗)to get money. Three

h   6  years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to stop the cheating. The game almost    disappeared(消失). Americans found the old courts (场地)when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They learned what they could do about the game. They liked the game a   7   the Englishmen had b    8   . After returning home, the Americans built tennis courts. Tennis began to become p   9     in all the United States. Now it is one of the most e   10    games in the world again.


在日常交往中,人们不仅仅用语言交流,而且还有丰富的肢体语言,肢体语言让你的交流更加容易、自然。轻易“Body language”为话题,写一篇70词左右的的短文,介绍一下你所了解的肢体语言。






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