


I am a five-year-old elephant. When I was a baby, I lived in the wild with my parents. But some hunters(猎人) killed my mother. And they caught me. They sold me to this circus(马戏团)and a train carried me here.

I was born in a large family. My mother was the head of the family. As you might know, when a female is born into the family, she never leaves. Closely and happily, we travel together, eat together, play together and sleep together. When I was in the family, my mother and my sisters looked after me carefully. I played happily with all the other elephants. Now I miss them.

You enjoy watching my wonderful tricks. To make you laugh, I have to perform 8 hours a day. But you don’t ask yourself. “How did they make that elephant stand on his head?” I never stand on my head in the wild. I don’t enjoy any of the tricks. I perform tricks because they make me do this or that. And still I hear you want to see me because you love me. But you are thinking about yourselves—what you want, what you like. Please think about me. If you love me, give me what I need. I need to be free, and to be with my family. And you can watch me on videos, DVDs and Web pages.

(    )1 Where was the elephant born?

A. In the zoo       B. In a circus

C. In the wild      D. In somebody’s family

(    )2. What do we know about the elephant’s mother?

A. She is in the circus now.             B. She is still in the wild now.

C. She is the head of her family now .     D. She died yeas ago.

(    )3. What does the underlined word”They” mean?

A. The elephants’ family members    B. The children who watch the trick.

C. The other animals in the circus.    D. The people in the circus.

(    )4. What does the elephant want?

A. The children’s love            B. To live with his family in the wild

C. To perform tricks.             D. To travel in a train carriage.

(    )5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The elephant enjoys making children happy.

B. Children love to see elephants in zoos or circus.

C. People don’t think much about how the elephant feel.

D. It’s good to watch elephants on videos, DVDs and Web pages.


A: __1__

B:Yes, Ido

A: __2_

B: There are classical music,pop music ,rock music,folk music,country music and many others.

A: __3__

B: I like classical music.

It’s so beautiful. __4__

A: You’re right. __5__

But I also like rock music.

B: But It’s noisy

A: I think it’s very exciting.


1.思考,认为_______________     2.京剧_____________

3.流行音乐 ________________    4. 舞曲_______________

5.乐曲 _______________         6.go through __________

7. take place __________     8. afan of rock music  __________

9. in the centre of ____________ 10.give concerts__________


1. It’s         (noise)in the classroom.

2. Mozart was born in         (Austrian).

3. Peter lives in the         (west)part of the city.

4. Kong Xiangdong is one of my favourite         (music).

5. Do you like         (Europe) classical music?

6. Mozart was one of the most famous _________ (music) in the world.

7. He _______ (be ) born in 1756, and ________ (die) in 1791.

8. Johann Strauss the younger, was also very _________(success)and popular.

9.Lingling likes ________( listen) to pop music.

10. The girl ________ (call) Mary play the piano very well.

七、根据汉语完成句子:10%( 共五小题, 每小题2分)

1.  暑假期间,大明的父母带他游览了北京。

Daming’s parents          him          Beijing during the summer holidays.

2. 赵本山的精彩表演使他闻名中国。

Zhao Ben Shan’s wonderful acting          him          all over China

3. 玛丽是个摇滚乐迷,对吗?

Mary is a                   rock music, isn’t she?

4. 他不仅弹奏钢琴也还演奏小提琴。

He played not ________ the piano  but ______ the violin

5. 莫扎特创作了数百首精彩的音乐作品。

Mozart wrote                    wonderful pieces of music.


There was an old man who loved money very much. He n  1   gave anything to anybody. After some years he became r  2  .

One day he was walking near the river with his friends when he fell into the river. His friends ran to help him. One of them held out his hand and cried, “Give me your hand, and I’ll p  3   you out!”The rich m  4   head went down the water a  5   then came up again, but he did not g  6   his hand to his friend. Again another of his friends tried, but again the s  7   thing happened.

Then a  8   friend, Nasreddin, said, “Take my hand and I’ll pull you out!” The rich man took his hand and Nasreddin pulled him out of the water.

“You don’t know your friend very w 9  .” Nasreddin said to the others. “When you say ‘Give!’ to him, he d  10   nothing, but when you say ‘Take!’ he always takes.”








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