


(  )50.The boy ___

A. is the man’s son      B.is the waiter’s son

C.doesn’t know the man    D.knows the man


Once a Frenchman lived in England. He did not know English very well. One day he went to the post office with a letter.He bought(buy的过去式) a stamp(邮票) and gave it with the letter to the girl at the desk ."Oh, no,"the girl said."You must stick(贴)the stamp on yourself."The Frenchman stood(stand过去式) there and he didn't  understand her words."Why must I stick the stamp on myself?And where must I stick it ?" "Oh,"said the girl ."I mean that you must stick the stamp on the letter.And you must do it yourself."

(  )51.This happened(发生)________.

A.in an American city                  B.in a place of England

C. in Australia                         D. in a small Japanese town

(  )52.The Frenchman_________.

A.know English very well

B. didn't know English

C.knew little English   D. knew a little English

(  )53.He went to the post office to _______.

A.give the letter and a stamp to the girl

B.buy a stamp

C. post a letter  D. buy a book

(  )54.At last_________.

A.the girl didn't say anything

B.he understood (understand过去式)the girl's words

C.he didn't post his letter

D.the girl didn't give the Frenchman any help

(  )55.Which of the following sentence is true?

A.The Frenchman can speak very good English   B.He knew the girl in the post office

C.He understood the girl very well

D. He sticked the stamp himself  at last.


Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife(妻子) sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good, I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish.They like fish very much”

So when Tom comes home in the evening as usual(像往常一样), the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh, your cat eats it”.And she gives Tom some bread for his supper. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says “My fish weighs one kilo(公斤) .This cat weighs one,too. If my fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”

(  )56. Tom likes     very much.

A.cat            B.his wife      C.fish            D.his friends

(  )57. What does Tom eat for supper?

A.Fish         B.Bread        C.Nothing       D.We don’t know.

(  )58.Tom weighs         in the shop with his wife.

A.the fish       B.the cat

C.his wife         D.his friend

(  )59.How much fish does Tom often buy?

A.one kilo       B.two kilo

C.three kilo        D.four kilo

(  )60.         eats the fish.

A. Tom     B.Tom’wife

C.The cat      D.Tom’s wife and her friends


61.Larry is rich and she visits a lot of           (国家)。

62.The boy’s hair is ________ (金黄色的).

63. We have some great              today.(特色菜)

64.The cat caught many            (老鼠)last night.

65.She alaways tells         (笑话)

66. I v________ my uncle last week.

67.I can’t find my g________,so I can’t see the words on the blackboard.

68.I s        at home last weekend,I didn’t go out.

69.There is a glass of apple j        on the table.

70.I can’t go to park with you because I must study for the t        .


big, I, like, have, hear, love, eat, in, buy, good

John 71 chocolates very much,but his mother doesn’t give him any. She thinks they’re 72 for his teeth. But John 73  a very nice grandfather. The old man 74  his grandson very much, and he 75   John chocolates. Then his mother lets John  76  them.

It is John’s birthday today, he says loudly(大声的) 77  the room, “Please, God,(上帝) give me a  78 box of chocolates for 79 birthday.”His mother says, “God can’t 80   you.”

“I know , but my grandfather can hear me.”

71.________  72.________  73._________  74._________  75.________

76.________  77.________  78._________  79._________  80.________

七. 根据内容,补全对话。(10分)

A: 1. ______________________________________?

B: Our school trip was really wonderful.

A: 2. ______________________________________?

B: We went to Beihai Park.

A: 3________________________________________?

B: Some of us went boating, some flew kites and others played game.

A: 4. ______________________________________?

B: Me? Well. I played chess. We had a match. Can you guess who won the match?

A: I think it’s you, right? Congratulations!

B:5. ______________________________________

B: 5. ______________________!


86.Nancy wants some salad.(同义句转换)

Nancy                some salad.

87.She’s tall and a little bit heavy.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ she________ ________?

88.Where is your pen pal from?(同义句转换)

Where ___________ your pen pal ____________ from?

89.I’d like tomato and egg soup.(对划线部分提问)

soup would you like?

90.They went to a movie last Sunday. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ they ________ last Sunday?

九.书面表达. (15分)


以My pen pal(我的笔友)为题写一篇60个字左右的小短文

姓名 Lisa 年龄 13

籍贯 美国 纽约

(New York) 学校 No. 3 Middle School

外貌 金黄色长卷发, 中等身材,有点胖

爱好 喜欢穿蓝色衣服,喜欢读书,下棋,游泳






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