


(    )82、—When          your mother          you blue dress, Mary?

—Sorry, I really can’t remember.

A、does; buy    B、has; bought    C、had; bought    D、did; buy

(    )83、Tom          a piece of waste paper, and put it into the rubbish bag.

A、put away    B、threw away    C、stood up    D、picked up

(    )84、—What a hot day! How about going swimming after school?

—         ! Let’s ask Daniel to go with us.

A、That’s OK    B、No problem    C、Good luck    D、Sounds great

(    )85、When Jim was a child, they          to France.

A、lived    B、worked    C、reached    D、moved

(    )86、Our teacher told us again          to each other in the library.

A、to speak    B、not to speak    C、don’t speak

(    )87、They were too tired, so they stopped          and had a rest.

A、working    B、to work    C、work

(    )88、They are going to Beijing          holiday.

A、at    B、in     C、on    D、for

(    )89、My coat is different from yours          colour.

A、at    B、in    C、on    D、for

(    )90、There are 29 days in         .

A、January    B、February    C、March    D、July

(    )91、Jane’s mother          lots of money on women’s wear every year.

A、spends    B、takes    C、coats

(    )92、         he          a good holiday last year?

A、Did; have    B、Did; has    C、Does; had    D、Does; have to

(    )93、He with his sister          English yesterday afternoon.

A、reads    B、read     C、will read    D、doesn’t read

(    )94、How long did they          there?

A、stays    B、stayed    C、staying    D、stay

(    )95、They          me a postcard when they traveled in Japan.

A、are sending    B、sent    C、send    D、are going to send

(    )96、They will go to Hainan          holiday by plane.

A、on    B、to    C、with    D、in

(    )97、My mother is going to do some shopping         .

A、yesterday    B、tomorrow    C、last night    D、last week

(    )98、—          did you have the party last night?

—In the park.

A、What    B、Why    C、When    D、Where

(    )99、I hope he is         .

A、good    B、nice    C、great    D、well

(    )100、—Can’t you hear         ?

—No, I can hear         .

A、anything; nothing    B、anything; anything

C、something; nothing    D、something; something

(    )101、I’ll tell you          story if I have time.

A、a funny    B、a fun    C、funny    D、fun

(    )102、It is not polite          at a person.

A、point    B、to point    C、pointing    D、pointed

(    )103、—When did you go there?

—          three hours.

A、After    B、Ago    C、Later    D、In

(    )104、It’s nice          pictures for me.

A、of you to draw    B、for you to draw

C、for you drawing    D、of you drawing

(    )105、Who was the first one         ?

A、to reach    B、to arrive    C、to get to    D、to arrive at

(    )106、We travelled all night to London and got there          Sunday morning.

A、for    B、on    C、at     D、to

(    )107、—How do you like the film?

            —         .

A、It’s wonderful    B、What about

C、Yes, I like it    D、No, I don’t like it at all

(    )108、What do you          your homework?

A、talk about    B、think of    C、think over    D、read

(    )109、—          didn’t they want foreign engineers(工程师).

—Because they wanted a Chinese engineers.

A、When    B、Where    C、Why    D、How

(    )110、Look! Our teacher is waving          us.

A、from    B、to    C、for    D、with

(    )111、Do you know Beethoven, the great         ?

A、writer    B、composer    C、painter    D、leader

(    )112、—You like classical music,         ?

—Yes, of course.

A、don’t you    B、do you    C、are you    D、aren’t you

(    )113、The          sister often helps her little brother with his English.

A、older    B、elder    C、old    D、eld

(    )114、Many students like Western classical music,         ?

A、don’t they    B、haven’t they    C、do they    D、have they

(    )115、          bright girls they are!

A、What    B、What a    C、How    D、How a

(    )116、The young man was at work,         ?

A、was he    B、don’t he    C、wasn’t he    D、does he


1-5 B A B A B

6-10 B C B C B

11-15 A A A A A

16-20 A D B A B

21-25 B D A C B

25-30 B B D A C

31-35 D C D B D

36-40 C C A C B

41-45 D C A A D

46-50 A D D D C

51-55 B A D D C

56-60 A B B B C

61-65 C A C D C

66-70 B C A A C

71-75 B C C B A

76-80 C D C C B

81-85 C D D D D

86-90 B A C B B

91-95 A A B D B

96-100 AB D D A

101-105 A B A A B

106-110 B A B C B

111-115 B A B A A

116 C






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