


7. It's nice weather. (改为感叹句)

_______ _______ the weather is !

8. Tom is ten years old. Jim is ten years old, too. (合并为一句)

Jim is_______ _______ _______ Tom.


1. No one_______ (notice) if you don't go there with us together this evening.

2. I_______ (not touch) the glass of water. It was too hot.

3. He_______ (save) money to buy something he likes next year, isn't he?

4. _______ (believe) it or not. I did the work on my own(独自).

5. Keep trying and you_______ (not fail) in your study then.

6. He always_______ (forget) to take his keys with him.

7. - Where is Kate?

- She_______ (play) the piano in the study.

8. The police _ (search) the house for a bad man the day before yesterday.

9. His father left without_______ (speak) to anybody else.

10. He_______ (not reply) to any of my messages last night.


1. 他上个月因为生病住院了一周。


2. 我们的教室比他们的大三倍。


3. 她们俩跳舞跳得一样好。


4. 你应该照顾好花。


5. 昨天房间太吵闹以至于我不能在里面学习。





2. 她带你去了仙境(Wonderland),那里有各种各样的鲜花,她们会说话。

3. 许多小动物在天上飞来飞去,你用尽全力飞,但是失败了。

4. 爱丽丝给了你一件特殊的丝绸外套,你穿上后也能飞得和他们一样高。你多么激动啊!

5. 突然,你不小心掉了下来,你大喊救命……最后你醒了,原来是个梦。

I had a dream of Alice yesterday.



I woke up in the end, and it was a dream.



第一部分  听对话回答问题




1.  M: This animal's neck is very long. Do you like it?

W: Yes, I do. Let's go and see it this weekend.

2.  M: Which do you like best, hamburgers, dumplings or cakes?

W: The first. I ate two just now.

3.  M: What does your sister like doing, Millie?

W: She likes dancing and drawing. But I like playing the piano.

4.  M: What does the sign mean, Ann?

W: Oh, it means you can walk straight on.

5.  M: Hey, Mary. Come to my party tomorrow.  It starts at 7.

W: OK.I will get there at 6:30.

6.  M: Excuse me, where can I buy a volleyball?

W: Er. The balls are on the fourth floor. You have to go two floors up.

7.  M: Madee, be careful with the matches, or you may burn your books.

W: OK, Dad. I won't play with them any more. I can play with my toys.

8.  M: Is our teacher writing on the blackboard?

W: No. Look! He is looking for the chalk.

9.  M: How about going to the forest for camping tomorrow?

W: Sorry. I have to do some housework tomorrow.

10.  M: Are you going to have a party tonight?

W: Yes. Peter is leaving for London, so we will have a farewell party,

(1-5 AACBB  6-10 CBCBA)

第二部分  听对话和短文回答问题




W: Mr Wu, what happened to you last night?

M: Oh, I drank too much and drove fast.  My car rushed into a big tree.

W: Then who sent you to the hospital after that?

M: Three boys from the local school. They found us on their way home and sent my daughter, my son, my mum and me to the hospital nearby at once. The police came a few minutes later.

W: I'm sorry to hear that.  You must be careful next time.

听第一篇短文,回答第13 -15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完


Today Tina gets the first again in her class, All the people in her family are  happy. And they want to give Tina some presents to celebrate. Tina's mother buys some new clothes for Tina and she thinks her daughter will be happy to have them. Tina's father buys some books for Tina because he knows she likes reading very much. What does Tina's grandfather give her? He gives her some pocket money. And he tells Tina to buy something she likes.


We are going to visit a farm in the country. There we can learn how the plants grow and how the farmers work When we come back, everyone must write a report on our visit. We'll go to the farm on Thursday morning and come back on Saturday morning. Our school bus will take us to the farm We will go at 9:30 in the morning from school. Don't be late. There's a telephone number you must remember. The number is 64127632.If you need help, you can call me,

(11-15 BAABC  16-20 CBABC)

二、1-5 ACCBD     6-10 BAACD   11-15 CBCAA  16-20 DACDB

三、1-5 ADBCB     6-10 DABCD

四、1-5 CDBBD.    6-10 ABADD     11-15 ABADB

五、1.Ants    2.century    3.wet  .    4.hole    5.dear

6.without    7.  locked    8.  badly     9.  anywhere  10.  even

11.smoke    12.lose    13.repeat    14.quiet    15.straight

六、1.later    2.ability    3.wonderful  4.  careful    5.Westem

6.funny    7.herself    8.Mice    9.building(s) 10.usually

七、1.When did, leave  2.pay for/spend on    3.How far

4.Are, able to    5.is good at    6.heard from  7.How nice

8. as old as

八. 1. will notice      2. didn't touch!    3.is going to save

4. Believe        5.won't fail     6. forgets        7. is playing

8. searched       9. speaking       10. didn't reply

九.  1. He was ill in hospital for a week last month.

2. Our classroom is three times larger than theirs,

3.They dance well as each other.

4. You should take good care of flowers.

5. The room was too noisy for me to study in yesterday.

十.  I had a dream of Alice yesterday.

She was a beautiful girl. She took me to wonderland. There were different kinds of beautiful flowers, and they could speak. Many small animals flew around in the sky. I tried my best to fly but failed. Then Alice gave me a special silk coat. I put it on and I flew as high as them. How excited I was! Suddenly, I fell down. I shouted for help. . .

I woke up in the end, and it was a dream.






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