



Mary bought a new lunch bag. It was blue with a gold star on the front. On the way to her classroom she looked inside and found the same lunch — a hamburger. When it was lunchtime, she found some chicken, so me strawberries and an egg in her bag.

The next day when she opened the bag at lunchtime, she found a sandwich, some fish and a bottle of juice.

“My lunch bag must be magic,” Mary thought. So Mary stood up and said, “My lunch bag is magic!” Everyone in the dining hall (餐厅) looked at her.

“You’re not the only one with a magic lunch bag,” Lisa said. “I have one, too. It is a blue bag with a gold star on it.”

“Hey,” Mary said, “our lunch bags look the same.”

“My lunch bag is magic,” said Lisa. “Every day my dad packs (装好) food, but at lunchtime I always find a hamburger — my favorite!”

56. What did Mary’s lunch bag look like?

A. It was green with a red star.     B. It was green with a blue star.

C. It was blue with a gold star.    D. It was yellow with a gold star.

57. Mary usually had ______ for lunch.

A. some chicken             B. a hamburger

C. an egg and some juice    D. a sandwich and strawberries

58. Where did Mary have lunch?

A. In the dining hall.   B. In the lab.

C. In the meeting room.   D. In her classroom.

59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mary’s favorite food was hamburgers.

B. Lisa’s mother packed her lunch every day.

C. Lisa gave her lunch to Mary every day.

D. Mary’s lunch bag and Lisa’s lunch bag looked the same.

60. From the passage, we can guess that ______.

A. Lisa doesn’t like her lunch bag

B. Lisa’s mother bought a magic lunch bag for Lisa

C. Maybe Mary took Lisa’s lunch bag by mistake (错误地)

D. Mary’s father often changed her lunch just before she went to school


All students need to have good habits(好习惯):When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.

Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. The telephone bell rings there; the TV is there, and sometimes it is a good place for your pet dog or cats to play and rest. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about  one thi ng, and you will learn better.

Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, to o. You’ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光线). So you should have a clean  and bright lamp. To tell you the truth, the most important is that you should put your heart into your study.

61.When you have good study habits, you will          .

A. learn things quickly                  B. remember things easily

C. make some mistakes                 D.  both A and B

62.The living  room is not a good place for study because it is too          .

A. quiet          B. noisy         C. good          D. clean

63.You’ll feel tired easily if the light is           .

A. good          B. enough        C. bad         D. wonderful

64.You should remember to          before you study.

A. clean the desk                 B. tidy the room

C. turn off the light               D. go to the bedroom

65.The best title(标题)for this passage(文章)is            .

A. Study in the bedroom    B. Good study habits

C. How to study     D. Desk light is important


It was very cold outside. There came a black car and it stopped in front of a shopping mall. A young woman was in the car. She was hungry and wanted to buy a hamburger to eat, but she didn’t want to go out on a so(如此)cold morning. At that time she found a boy playing in the street.

“Come on, boy!” she said to the boy. “Do you know how much a hamburger is in the shopping mall?”

“Two dollars each,” the boy answered.

She gave the boy four dollars and asked him to buy two hamburgers. “One is for you and the other is for me,” she said.

Some minutes(分钟)later, the boy came back. He was eating a hamburger. He gave the young woman two dollars and said, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.”

66 The black car stopped because              .

A. it was broken(坏的)      B. the woman found a boy playing in the street

C. the woman wanted to buy a hamburger    D. she wanted to look for a people

67. A hamburger in the shopping mall was            .

A. $2              B.$4               C.$1             D. $6

68. The young woman had               .

A. no hamburger   B. one hamburger    C. two hamburgers    D. three hamburgers

69. The meaning(意思) of the word “left” is          in the article.

A. 左边的        B. 剩余的           C. 可口的         D. 难吃的

70. From the article, we can know the story happened(发生)            .

A. in the winter      B. in the summer     C. on a cool day     D. on a hot day



71. ————    72.   ————    73. ————

74. ————  75. ————    76. ———77. ———— 78. ————      79. ————80. ————


81. What a         (noise) place it is! I feel like leaving right now.

82. I often see the girl ___________ (dance) by the river.

83. Tom’s father is teaching him how ___________ (fix) his bike.

84. It’s ____________ (care) of me to leave the mobile phone on the bus.

85. Are you interested in_______(raise) dogs?.

86. She was very ________(surprise) when she saw me.

87. Our teacher is very _______ (friend) and all the parents like talking with her.

88. Mr. Black likes to fly kites on _______ (sun) days.

89. It is good _______ (take) your dog for a walk every day.

90. I enjoy reading and look forward to           (learn) more.



We can’t watch TV  and do our homework ________ ________ _______ ________.


Y ou  ________ feed _______ ________ ________ food.


Reading in the sun is ________ ________ your eyes.


He _______ ________ ________ in this city.


________ ________ sing this song? I think Tom can.


A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards(胡须). They were sitting in her front garden.

She didn’t know them. She said, “I don’t t___96___ I know you. But you must be hungry. Please come in and have s___97____ to eat.”

One of the old m___98____ said,  “ His name is Wealth(财富), this is Success(成功) and I am Love. Which of us do you want to i___99____?”

The woman thought it over for a few m___100____. She hoped her house would be f___101___ of love, so she said, “Love, please come in.”

Love g___102___ up and walked to the house. The other two also got up and followed him.

The woman was surprised and asked, “I o___103____ invited Love. Why are you coming in?”

The old men answered together, “I___104__ you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would stay out, but if you invite Love, wherever he goes, we go w____105___ him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success.”

九、书面表达 (15分)


要求:1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 要点须包括表格中的信息,可适当发挥,但不要使用真实姓名和校名等;

3. 字数70字左右(开头已给出,不计入总字数)

Personal information

(个人信息) 是一个十四岁的男孩,擅长英语、电脑和体育,学东西很快,电脑使用得好,友好且乐于助人,对南京非常了解。。。

Your wishes 参观者们能够在南京玩的开心。。。

Dear Madam/Sir,

I’m writing to recommend myself as a volunteer for the 2014 YOG in Nanjing.

Yours sincerely,






1. M: Do you that man, Tom? He is very famous in our city.

W: Yes, he is my uncle. He is a doctor.

2. M: Wendy, what does your pet look like?

W: She has four white paws and a black and white tail. She likes eating fish.

3. M: Do you have to work tomorrow?

W: No, I never go to work on Saturdays.

4. M: Shall we have fish for dinner tonight?

W: That’s my favorite.

5. M: Don’t feed the parrot, Xiao Xue.

W: No, I just want to wash the cage.

6. M: Are you prac ticing speaking English, Mary?

W: No. I’ m writing a letter to my friend.

7. M: Amy, your pet dog looks so lovely and strong.

W: Of course, I walk my dog once a day.

8. M: What are the workers doing?

W: They are having a rest because they are too tired.

9. M: Helen, which subject do you like best? Math, Geography or Computer studies.

W: Math isn’t easy to learn, my favorite subject is Geography.

10.M: Mike is tall. Jim is taller than Mike, but Nike is shorter than Mike.

W: Oh, of the three boys, Jim is the tallest and Nike is the shortest.



听第1段材料, 回答第11至12题。

M: Do you like sports?

W: Yes, I like ball games very much, especially football. I am a football fan.

M: Really? Which football star do you like best?

W: I like Owen best

M: Wow, the same as me. When was he born?

W: He was born in 1979.


On the morning of August 2nd, I was careless and lost my school bag in the reading-room of our school. There were three English books and a pencil-case inside. Will the finder please send it either to the assistant or to myself? Many thanks to the finder. My bedroom is in Room 403, on the fourth floor of our school.


Dear Andy,

I am writing to you in English so I can practice. I hope you can understand it.

I love studying here and I have many new friends. They are very friendly to me. We often have a good time chatting with each other about our school life after class.

I have a great English teacher. His name is Michael. He’s very tall and handsome. He has brown hair and wears round glasses. Every day he gives us one class. He always wears a big smile. He likes listening to music and loves swimming. He goes to the reading club every week end with his friends because they can share books with each others in the club.

I can’t think any more to say. Please write soon in English.

Best wishes,







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