


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇新编七年级英语暑假作业检测题,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!


(   )1、She goes to school early ;she doesn' like_______

A.is late        B.be late        C.to late         D.to be late

(   )2.My father often ______ home at seven.

A.get to        B.gets go       C.get           D.gets

(   )3.Jim usually__________ books. sometimes ___________ TV.

A.looks, sees     B.reads, watches     C.see, watches    D.reads, sees

(   )4.______Nick often _____on Sundays?

A.Does, go some shopping          B.Do, go shopping

C.Does, do some shopping          D.Do, do shopping

(    )5.My coat is yellow , what about_________?

A.you       B. your        C. yours        D.you's

(    )6.When is Lily's birthday? It' ______October 10 . what present do you want to get ________

her birthday?        Sorry, I don't know.

A.on , on       B.on , for      C.at ,for      D. at , on

(   )7.__________ Jim and Tom want to swim?

A.Does        B.Do          C.Are        D.Is

(   )8.Would you like _______ basketball ?

A.to play     B. plays        C.play        D.playing

(    )9.Excuse me ,sir, can I park my car here?    Oh, sorry , You must ______ the ringt place.

A.look at        B.look          C.see       D.look for

(    )10.Whose dress is it?      ________________.

A.It's Jim's sister      B.It's Jim's sister's   C. It's Jim sister      D. It's Jim sister's

二、词汇 (20分)

A) 根据首字母提示和句意,完成单词,注意形式的变化

1.There are eight h ________ students and sixty teaches.

2.Nick doesn't often w______ his hands before meals.

3.He likes walking down the street and e_________ the sunshine.

4.Fish is my f________ food.

5.There are two r________ rooms in the library.


1.Lucy ofen does her homework  at 7:00 in the evening  (就划线部分提问)

_______ does Lucy often _______ her homework?

2.I study in No. 10 Middle school (把I换成she)

_______ ________ in No 10 Middle school.

3. Does Nick often swim after school?  (作否定回答)

No, _______ _________.

4. I don't have any money (钱)with me. (近义词转换)

I __________ __________ money with me.

5.I want to  buy her a teddy bear   . (对划线部分提问)


My name is Jim .___ 1____ is my birthday. I am twelve now . Dad and Mum ___2____ me a big cake . I like cakes. ___3___ the table of my bedroom, you ____4____ see my lovely cake, you can also _____5____ my name on it ,. There are ____6____ things for my birthday.  ____7____ are apples ,pears and bananas. But I would _____8____ to have something to drink now. my __9___ Bill and Sam are coming .I would like to eat those food  ____10_____my friends.

(    ) 1.A.That           B.This          C.It's            D.Today

(    )2.A.find(找出)     B.get           C.want          D.put

(    )3.A.In             B.At            C.On           D.Behind

(    )4.A.can            B.must          C.can't          D.don't

(    )5.A.get            B.know          C.look          D.find

(    )6.A.others          B.the other       C.other          D.the others

(    )7.A.they           B.those          C.these          D.that

(    )8.A.want           B.take           C.like           D.get

(    )9.A.teachers        B.sisters         C.brothers       D.friemds

(    )10.A.from          B.of            C.with          D.for

四、书面表达。以My school 为题写一篇短文。字数不得少于50字。(10分)







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