


五、 根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(必要时加助动词或情态动词)(10分)

51. Peter, don’t ________________ (fight) with your classmates.

52. He ________________ (have) to wear school uniform at school.

53. The little girl often _______________(help) his mother __________________(make) breakfast.

54. Tommy often_____________ (study) English every morning.

55. —________________ Rick usually _______________(watch ) TV on weekends?

—No, he doesn’t.

56. —Do you want ________________(join) us to play basketball?

—Yeah, I’d love t o.

57. My father can _____________(play) the piano.

58. Mary likes ___________________(swim) in the river.

59. Look! The men ________________(run) out of the house.

60. —Where is Jenny?

—She ____________________(use) the computer to play computer games.



A:           61

B: Yes, please. Could you tell me where the First People’s Hospital is?

A: Let me see. Oh, it's far from here.

B:           62

A: About five miles.           63

B: Which bus should I take?

A: The No.1 bus will take you there.

B:           64

A: It's about 30 minutes.

B: Thanks for your help.

A:           65

A. That's OK.

B. You can take a bus to go there.

C. You can go there by bike.

D. How long does it ta ke to get there?

E. How far is it

F. How do you get to the First People's Hospital?

G. Can I help you?

七. 根据所给汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)

66. 很多动物都处于极大的危险中。

Many animals _______________ ________________ ___________________ ______________. .

67. 玛丽正在电话里跟吉姆交谈。

Mary is ______________ _________________ the phone to Jim.

68. 我的妹妹每天早上八点穿衣打扮。

My sister _______ ________ ________________ at eight every morning.

69. 不要在网上交朋友,可能很危险。

________________ ______________ _______________ on the Internet. It may be dangerous.

70. 我每天要花半个小时的时间骑自行车去上学。

It __________________ me half an hour ______________ _______________ to school by bike.


71. We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. (英译汉)

72. These students  go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. (英译汉)

73. Bring your music player to school. (变为否定句)

_____________ ______________ your music player to school.

74. I want to join the swimming club.

_______________ ________________ do you want to join?

75. He does his homework at eight o’clock.

_____________ _____________does he _______________ his homework every evening?

Ⅷ. 书面表达(15分)


Dear Ken,

I’m very glad to introduce myself to you. I’m in Grade Seven in a middle school this year. This is my school day.                                                           ___________




初一英语暑假作业:英语作文The Meaning of Travel 



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